Wednesday, August 17, 2011

A Healthy Me?

We just did our healthy grocery haul at Big C Extra. Wait.. Did I say, healthy? Yes, healthy! In 8 days, this has been our 3rd healthy grocery haul. Why? It's because I've been doing a juice fast ( though not a strict one) and have consume so much of veggies and fruits! I think I've consumed more veggies and fruits for the past week than my entire 30 plus years. Seriously! And I feel great. I'm even craving for a carrot juice now, but I guess it's to late to drink it.

Anyways, as I've done a bit of research on juice fasting and the like, I did find inspiring reports. There have been testimonials of people who had some ailments and diseases that were cured after juice fasting for several days. Blood sugar was down, cholesterol level went down and etc. I'm sure if one eats healthily, there won't be any need for different medication anymore. Oh, I just remember about the Actos lawsuit. Actos is a medicine for diabetes but has reportedly have a lot of negative side effects.

But back to a healthy me. I'm glad that I have finally found my solution to consume vegetables and fruits. I love the delicious juices and aside from being healthily, I also hope to lose some weight. :)

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