Saturday, August 27, 2011

Home Address

For a long time we've been using our PO box as our mailing address. We don't get much mails but sometimes when we expect a mail or leaflet distribution, it's quite a hassle checking our PO Box regularly to see if our mail has arrived.

So, we started using our home address for our mails. The reason why we didn't use our home address for a long time was because there was one instance, I ordered something for 'free' online and used this address. But sadly, it didn't arrived. Maybe I just happen to write the wrong address but that experience was enough to stop me from using our home address as our mailing address.

Anyways, we gave a try in using our home address one more time and this time our letter was delivered. So, the rest is history and I'm enjoying the convenience of getting my mails delivered right at our doorstep.

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