Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Marriage Mondays - Love At A Thousand Sights

I've always been wanting to join this meme for a long time..and finally, I'm here..and even if I'm a bit late, I still want to submit my post. :)


When people asked me if I experienced "Love at First Sight" when I first saw my Hubby, I would always retort that "No, it's love at a thousand sights'! :) It's quite true that I really didn't take notice much of my Hubby 9 years ago when we were still classmates at a training. But, you know what, " Love at a thousand sights has taken quite a new meaning to me now. It just simply means that no matter how many thousand times I look into my Hubby face, that LOVE will always be there. It might sound cheesy but I love my husband now more and more than the past years that we've spent together. God is the giver of this Love and I truly have to treasure this as He has given my Hubby as precious gift to me and our kids. :)

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Tami said...

Doesn't sound cheesy at all to me. Congratulations!

April Feagley said...

I love that phrase! Such a sweet post.

Susan said...

Oh, how sweet!!!!!!!!

Keep looking.


God's girl said...

That is really sweet! I love that love at a thousand sights! :)
Much love,

Susannah said...

This phrase will stick with me, I'm sure of it! Love it...



Andrea said...

Oh my goodness! What a sweet post! I agree with Tami...not at all cheesy!

You're husband is blessed to have a wife who obviously loves him so dearly. May God continue to bless your marriage and your family.

I enjoyed my visit here today!

Constance said...

Bring on the cheese GIRL! I love it! Likewise, I love my HUB now more than I could've ever thought possible on our Wedding day in 1986!

Bogie said...

A short post, yet full of emotions. I love it.


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