Thursday, August 20, 2009

Praying for A Friend

We're praying for my Hubby's friend who's into drug addiction. He was already very willing to go into a Christian drug rehab outside the town. My Hubby took him there all packed and ready, but when the center did some back ground check, they found out that he has still some responsibilities that needed to be done. His family are doing their very best in processing his paperworks but it seems that there still be a lot of delays before he becomes cleared to go to the center.

The longer he is out there, the more he is susceptible to many things... We don't know the practical steps on help stop drug addiction since it seems like whatever you tell them comes inside their ears and goes out the other way. We're just praying for God to deliver him and for him to be able to go in the Christian Rehab Center in Ipoh.

Another family friend of my Hubby is actually inside the center. He has also been into this addiction for many years and decided to be treated at the center. And now, he is an entirely different man. He's now the group leader, leading Bible studies and all. Amazing!

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