Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Why, Oh Why

For the past two weeks, we know of two people who passed away, my friend's father and my mom's sister. So, our Li'l girl has already seen a dead body, witnessed a burial and a wake. With her very inquisitive mind, these events led her to a lot of questions concerning death and eternal life.

Oh, explaining these things to a going-to-be 5 year old kid is not and easy task because I don't know until how much truth or information she can take in and understand. One question led to another until she asked me the last question that made me stammer and didn't know where to start answering her : Why does God let people die first before going to heaven?, she asked. Tsk..tsk.. such a profound question coming from a small child huh? I think she saw that sickness/death is a sad event and just wanted people go to heaven immediately without the pain of it. But before I could gather my thoughts and start my 'preaching' on the fall of man and end on Man having body,soul and spirit we have already arrived at the Funeral parlor and had to get down the car. Whew! But I will have to answer that question sooner or later knowing that she never forgets to ask again anything that was left unanswered .

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