Saturday, February 21, 2009

The Gate

At the end of last year, we finally decided to put up a big gate at the entrance of our compound. Since it was too costly to fence up the whole compound with hollow blocks, we planned to just fence it up simply. So, the gate was built. But after the flood, we were not able to continue with the work like fencing the area and making the road.

You could imagine now, that we have a gate but on the sides will be an opening. So, the gate remains closed and since the fence is not yet existing, the car or motorbike just uses the side opening to go in or out of the compound. We've been doing this for weeks until one day our Li'l girl with her eyebrows crossing each other seriously asked, " Amma, why is it that we have a gate but we don't use it?" Hahaha! She must be really wondering why we just pass through the side opening when we're supposed to have a gate. Good thing my cousin was there and she was quick to answer that 'it's not finished yet'. Then later, my bro in law jokingly said, 'Because no one wants to go down to open the gate."

Anyways, work is going on now to finish up the road leading to our house. Hopefully, next we will be able to put up the fence so that we can be secure and finally use the gate :). Only a few more things are needed for our house now. If there are more funds, it would be nicer to improve more things like ideal standard bathrooms complete with kudos showers and bathroom accessories. But as for now, I'm already so thankful with the 'restoration' of our house after the flood.

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