Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Leaving Thailand

At this very time, my Hubby is already in the bus and leaving Thailand, his home for 8 years ( mine for 6 years). It's now officially the start of our 1 year break and we're thankful to God for this opportunity. We feel that we really needed this break if not, maybe we ourselves will breakdown..:) kidding.. As what King Solomon wrote in Ecclesiastes, "There is a time for everything under the sun". So, we feel that after several years of being in the 'field', it's the time to rest and be refresh for more years of work ahead.

I thank God for the next year that is before us. Though we're not yet so certain of our activities for the following year, but it is our prayer that wherever we are, wherever we go, God will continue to bless us and use us as a blessing for others.

Happy Sabbatical Leave for us! heheheh!

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