Monday, December 22, 2008

Chocolate Brownies

We have already planned out our Christmas Eve Supper and I'm excited for my sister's special lasagna. Yum!!.. She's also going to bake our family favorite , Chocolate Moist Cake. I'm so tempted to share the chocolate moist recipe here but then, she has told me years back that it's a secret recipe. So, anyways, I'll just post our special brownie recipe. This is also very yummy , you might want to try it out.

Yummy Brownie Recipe

3/4 cups unsweetened chocolate powder
1 cup shortening (butter or oil)
2 cups sugar
1 cup flour
1 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
4 pcs of eggs

Cream butter and add sugar gradually. Then add the eggs one at a time. On a separate bowl, mix all the dry ingredients together ( flour, chocolate powder, salt and baking powder). Then mix all these gradually to the egg and sugar mixture.

Bake for about 30 minutes on medium heat.

There you have a simple, yummy brownie recipe. It's really sweet to give some goodies and chocolate for Christmas. You might want to check out Gertrude Hawk chocolate to give out to your loved ones too.

Below are the Christmas Goodies we gave out to our friends last year.

Have a blessed Christmas and a fruitful New Year to ALL!

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