Saturday, December 13, 2014

Movavi Video Converter: Technology Made Easy

Are you a movie junky who loves to download? Have you ever faced the problem of not having the right format? Or does it happen, while watching a movie you love a song and can’t wait to download it? Here is the problem to all your solution. The new Movavi video converter 15.1.0 is here to solve all your problems.
The new Movavi video converter 15.1.0 is not just any video converter. It is the best in the market. You must be wondering why so? It can convert a file from one format to another in just three seconds.
Not only this, it has a system of converting files into more than 10 types of format like AVI, VOB, MP4, MPEG-1, 3GP, MPEG-2, MOV, MKV, WMV, WebM, OGV, SWF, FLV, MP3, WAV, AAC, and many more.

If you are worried that it will not work in your device, then don’t be. It is a 34.8mb file which can be supported in iPhone, iPad, apple TV, mac book, iPod, amazon kindle, Archos, BBK, Blackberry, Google Nexus, HTC, Iriver, Lenovo, LG phones and tablets, Microsoft Zune and Xbox, Motorola phones, Nokia Lumina, N-series,E-series and Xpress music, Samsung galaxy and other Samsung sets, Sony PlayStation and cell phones, Windows XP, vista, 7 and 8 and other smartphones as well.

If this wasn’t enough, it also has the new feature of editing. You can edit songs and videos according to your preference. It also has the feature of trimming and enhancing. Cropping, rotating, trimming, formatting everything is now available in just one app. Can you believe it?

If you think you have heard enough, then see this - the new Movavi software also has a lot of options for sound modulation. You can increase or decrease the pitch, frequency, amplitude of the sound. You can also merge two or more sound systems together.

 Not just this, you can easily copy sound tracks while watching a movie. You can easily make movies of your own on this as well. If you are concerned about quality, don’t be. This app guarantees the fact that the bitrate and resolution is going to remain the same. Also, no file amongst the 10,000 tested video files, has ever crashed or has not opened in this app. The makers give you money back guarantee, if a file does not open in this app.

Video conversion has been made extremely easy with Movavi. You can easily find the steps of conversion from one file to another on the official Movavi website. Just type and follow and see for yourself that video conversion has become a task as easy as copying files from one drive to another.

Also, the new movavi software also has the feature on minimizing. So you can multitask. You can also pause the conversion to do so other work.

The best part is you can download the free version, try it and then you can buy the actual product from Movavi’s website.

If you already have the movavi video converter 14.3.1, then get it upgraded for 30% off.
Make entertainment easy and faster with Movavi.

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Talking to the Kids

Now that my kids are bigger, I love talking to them more and more. They just have a lot of questions about the past, life and even faith. Gone are the days of baby talk and now, it's almost like we're talking to 'grown ups' since they can understand things better. We also have a lot of heart to heart talks with them and I'm praying that they will be able to put all those lessons and insights in their hearts. It's also amazing to hear what's in the hearts and minds of these little ones. 

We have learned to truly encourage our kids to talk their heart out. Sometimes, children are afraid to talk their hearts out as they might end up getting scolded by the parents. But I've learned that it's much better for them to talk to us as parents as we can give better advises than their friends. So when my kids open up things with me, I try to listen without judging and having an understanding and open heart.

At one point, we have also encouraged our daughter (who's slowly becoming a teenager) to write anything that's boggling her heart and mind in her 'thoughts box' and we read them. She's a writer and sometimes she can express her heart more when she's writing than talking. And truly, we have discovered that there are some things that seems okay from the outside but one is struggling from the inside. From there, we moved on to have having more of heart to heart talks. And as we know what's in their heart, we could also pray more specifically for them.

I'm truly enjoying the kind of relationship that we have now with the kids and it's my prayer that this relationship with last on and on until their adolescent stage and even until they become adults. 

Cassette Tapes

I'm born in a generation where cassette players and recorders were still existing. Now, this 'gadget' is a thing of the past. But, we still have a lot of casette tapes hiding on the the bottom drawer in our room. I wanted to get rid of them so  as to free one drawer and put other stuff there, but Hubby didn't want to. For him it has some kind of sentimental value since some of those were his collection of Praise and Worship tapes (remember Hosanna Integrity, Ron Kenoly and Don Moen?) when he was still younger. 

For sure we could always download those same songs from Youtube and listen to the sound of the taylor gs mini on the computer. We don't even have a casette player anymore. But I think we will still have to keep those tapes.. to show our children and grandchildren in the future. lol! :)

No More Curly Hair

My daughter used to have curly hair when she was younger. It was so cute as her hair naturally curls at the bottom and they were so soft. But as she grows older her hair becomes straighter. She also like her hair straight now and I'm not sure if she'll need hairuwear in the future. 

Anyways, whether she has curly hair or straight hair both hair styles fit her small,oval shaped face. 

Monday, July 21, 2014

Hello Blog!

It has been awhile since I posted anything in this blog. Things has been quite busy lately. Aside from homeschooling the kids, I've had other responsibilities as well. My work has gotten a bit heavy for the past weeks even to the point of laying low in our homeschool. That's why now, I'm thinking of not taking too much work since my priority should be my kids homeschool, other things I can just take on the side. I think this just proves that I'm not a very effecient multi tasker. 

Anyways, the busy weeks has passed and I think this week will be back to 'normal'. I thank GOd for enabling be to go through the week and praying that I'll be productive this week! :)

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thailand Grand Sale

This is the month for the Thailand Grand Sale. One can't help notice the big billboards and signs all over the city and the malls. We try to get excited over this but, I don't really see a lot of difference. For me, clothes and stuff at the malls are still expensive. I think it's just because I've found other cheaper places to buy stuff.. even sometimes things online are cheaper too. Some people buy a tuxedo shirt at this site, but we will have to keep looking to buy the best and cheapest stuff around. :) Yes, I am a thrify mom. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

From the Silver City

My sis and her hubby came over for a visit. And everytime a family member comes, we never fail to go to Silver City. It's actually one of the provinces here in the South which is famous for selling silver jewelry but my kids got used to calling it silver city. 
So, my sis bought a lot of silver jewelry for my other sister's business, while a bought a few items too. I've always wanted to sell silver jewelry but I never got to save up to invest in a small business. But since, I was already there, I just bought a small amount and sell them. 

I got to see a lot of silver jewelry from this site too and hopefully, next time I can truly have a real silver business like my sister.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

House for Rent

I remember a couple of years back, we were looking for a house to rent. No, we don't want those impressive condos for sale, but just wanted a simple house with a lawn. We thought that a lawn will be good for them. As homeschooled kids, they spend most of their time at home and it's good for us to have at least a big lawn where they can play or do other outdoor activities. We searched far and low for houses for rent with a lawn until we saw one. But the price was too high for us. It was two times the present rent that we're paying! Oh, did I mention we have the cheapest rent in town? ;) But still the same, we thought the house was not so worth it, though the lawn is big and nice but the house is quite old and run down. 

And just a few days ago, we found another place for rent. It's a beautiful house in a quite subdivision, but this time it's far from the city center and not accessible to public transport at all. So we decided to just stay in this house and make most of what we have. :)

1 Week Offline

I was offline for a week last week. It was kinda liberating to be offline. In fact, I found myself more productive in terms of homeschooling and housework, because there wasn't any distractions at all. I was already enjoying my 'offline' life, but then I realized that I needed to communicate with a few people for a task that I was assigned to do. And the only way I can communicate with them was through Facebook. So, I didn't have a choice but get online again. I will have to have constant communication with them until I accomplish my job. And maybe after this, I'll go offline again.. 

My Sis is Coming!

My sis is coming next month and we're excited! It's really a great blessing to live 'nearby' our homecountry since we get to have our families visit us 'often'. Last year, my mom and sis got to visit us, then this time my older sis and brother in law are coming too.
I haven't started out planning on the activities we should do when they come. It's a bit busy though because we have an ongoing summer workshop during their visit. But we could also squeeze some time to go around. Not sure though if we could visit the place where they sell silver jewelry. My other sis buys them for her business. It's much cheaper to buy from here than other places and other online sources.

Anyways, let me get start planning on my sis itinerary... :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Memory through Songs

There are just times that memorizing names and other things are just difficult for the kids. When this happens, I resort to Youtube and look for a song that relates to our specific topic. Just for example, the Days of Week. It took a bit of time for my son to memorize this, but when I introduced the Days of the Week song, it immediately clicked and until now he couldn't forget the song. So, we've been using music and songs for a lot of our topics in homeschool. Maybe next time we can also use keyboards for kids to create our own songs for topics that are in our homeschool.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Writer in the Making?

We have a writer in the making.. and it's our daughter Trish. She has been writing short stories since she was about 7 years old and now she's planning to write Chapter books. She has actually started on a few stories (Chapter book) before but she never got to finish any yet. But with her latest book, it seems that she's very enthusiastic about this. 

So without further ado, let me direct you to a 'sneak-peek'  of her book entitled, Dear Lizzy

Music Practice

Today's our music practice in the church and my daughter is going with me. After a few years in this local church, it's just recently that I committed myself to join the music team. Now with the kids a bit grown up, I'm a bit more free and able to do things that I could never do before.  

During my first music practice a few weeks ago, I immediately felt at 'home'. I was a part of the music team back  at home during my younger years.Yes, I remember our weekly pactices, team devotions and playing the musical instruments .  And being in the ministry has truly helped me a lot in my spiritual growth. So, that's why I'm encouraging my daughter now and letting her join the practice. She can sing but I think she will just be having a bit of a problem with the songs since we will be singing the Thai worship songs. ;)

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Happy with Cousins

Since we are mostly away from our homecountries ( Philippines and Malaysia), kids always get excited to visit families back home. Their trip's highlight would always be spending time with their cousins. So, last week, they had the time of their lives playing with their cousins. Whenever we were out to do our errands or process some documents, they would both be begging to go back home so they could play with their cousins. 

Here's a photo of how they were enjoying their time in Malaysia.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

What's Your Favorite Song?

With Christian contemporary music as our background music everyday, my kids have learn to appreciate music and therefore they also have their own favorites. I noticed that my daughter's favorites are mostly from female singers while my son's favorites are more on the 'rock' side. My daughter loves Brit Nicole's songs while my son likes the Newsboys.

As for me, my favorite songs change from time to time, depending on my mood. But mostly I like songs that somehow tells a story like Tenth Avenue North's 'Slip on By'. 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The New 'Bookworm'

A few months ago, my son disliked reading. Whenever it's his 'reading time' he will really try to escape and play with his toys instead. But as he learned to read faster, I noticed a few changes. He has began to pick books on his own and read them for a few minutes. Then, this has become more frequent and the amount of time he spends reading on his own has become longer. Of course, I'm so happy with this new development and lately he has announced to the family that he has become 'a bookworm'. So ladies and gentlemen, let's officially welcome Lyle as the new 'bookworm' in the family! ;)

Friday, January 24, 2014

It Has Been Awhile

It has been almost a month since my last post. I haven't really been updating my blogs regularly as I'm quite busy with homeschooling and other stuff. But I'll try harder in the next months to take care of my blogs and also my online work. They have truly been a source of blessings for me. So after I check on cupmounts here I will spend a bit of more time updating my blogs and maybe read my friends' blogs too! :)

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