Thursday, December 13, 2012


We will be traveling back home tomorrow.. and thankfully not by a human-driven cart as pictured above.. lol! but by airplane. 

Every trip that we make is truly a testimony of God's favor in our lives. As a family of 4, it's not cheap to travel back to our hometown where we need to travel to the capital (either Kuala Lumpur or Bangkok) by car or train and then from there from by plane to Manila and then another flight to our city. We really didn't plan to go back home this Christmas, but since we didn't get to spend a lot of quality time with family last year due to the tragedy that happened, we thought it's just best for us to go back and this time spend a wonderful Christmas with family. 

We're praying that indeed we will have a safe and pleasant trip back home and have a beautiful time with family, church members and friends. 

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