Friday, June 22, 2012

A Father's Day Surprise

Our kids love surprises. Whenever I plan a surprise, they are always there to help me and keep our surprise our secret. And we did this for our Father's Day surprise. We started our preparation 2 weeks earlier as we had to order a photo book from Artscow. Everyday, my kidswill excitedly join me as I upload and edit photos in the photobook. Sometimes, I find a lot of little fingers on my computer screen telling me where to put the photo, flowers and etc. :) In that photobook, Tricia also made a poem especially for her Appa. Without me telling them, the kids also made their own stuff to give to their Appa. Then before and on the day, they helped me in cutting and preparing the the decoration.

And our work has paid off since our 'Appa' was so thankful and really appreciated our surprise and everything we did. But then in reality, what we have done is just very small compared to all the love and sacrifices that Hubby has done for us and the kids. But thank God for a special day set aside to show how much we love and appreciate the fathers.
Oh, this also reminds me of my own Tatay who passed away a few weeks after Father's Day in 2004. That's why father's day has always given me mixed emotions since then, I'm grateful that God has given my kids a loving father but I'm also sad because I also miss my own Tatay. But nevertheless, I'm just so blessed because God has given them to me.

1 comment:

everything and everywhere said...

Grabe so touching..teary-eyed...although I visit this so late. belated happy father's day Jesu. You are the best!


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