Sunday, June 10, 2012

Incomplete Address

I mentioned before that I was waiting for our package from our friend. Well, we finally received the package and now we know what caused the delay - our mailing address was incomplete.

I could just imagine the confusion of the Thai postman who got a name, a house number, the name of the district, city and zip code but doesn't have the name of the street! I think it's that confusing that it took him 1 week to figure things out and maybe after delivering a few other letters to us ( with the correct address). But thank God that even with an incomplete mailing address, we were still able to receive our package. I also couldn't help remembering my late father receiving a letter with only his name, city address and zip code written on the envelope. No, he was not that famous but there are just people in our post office who knew him.

But if you're a doctor and wants know who Shelley Tepper, MD and where she is now , there's a database of physicians that you can consult and the site is called Doximity.

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