Monday, March 5, 2012

Letter from Our Sponsored Child

I finally got our 2nd letter from our sponsored child from Compassion International today. I was so happy to receive the letter and it left me in tears.

You see, I've just thought about Haron today, our sponsored child from Kenya. Honestly, I thought to give up sponsoring him because it takes a lot of percentage from my online earning. Giving our monthly support has truly been sacrificial for us, and a thought just came over me that maybe I'll just give it a few more months and then stop our sponsorship. And then today, I received his letter.

Since he doesn't know how to write in English, an translator writes in behalf of him. It was a long letter telling more about himself and expressing his gratefulness. He was so thankful of all the letters, drawings, photos and stickers we sent him last year. He said sends his 'Hi' to Tricia and Lyle and that we are all so special to him. When I read these last few words, I was almost in tears. Here I was, already thinking of giving up my support for this precious child who walks all the way to school, fetches water from the well to bring to his family and who just have the bare necessities in life. And he sees us special since we support him to go to school.. I was humbled... I was rebuked... I realized how self-centered I was and I was just concerned of our own comforts. There were no words to express how I felt.

Yes, I would continue to sacrificially give and support this child. This child is precious to us and on God's sight. If he finishes his studies, it will truly be a great blessing to him and his family. He might even be able to alleviate his family from poverty. I'm sure God will honor this and He is able to bless us so, we might bless others!


Unknown said...

What a blessing. Your passion to help and your willingness to sacrifice is truly amazing! Thank you for sharing this with us.

Clavel said...

Hey There! I am a follower of your blog. Are you open for exlinks? please let me know if you are up to it, i appreciate it very much.


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