Saturday, March 17, 2012

All This Time

All This Time by Brit Nicole is one of my favorite songs these days. I remember hearing this for the first time at and immediately searching for the lyrics through Google. Then, I thought of learning its chords in the guitar. The chords are quite okay except for the tricky C#m and B chords but it's the strumming part that I'm having a bit of difficulty. There's an easy way in which everything is 'down' (stroke), but I somehow get bored with it. Oh, I'm not an aspiring guitarist or band player and I don't need these Marshall Amps as of this time, but somehow I just miss playing an instrument. I used to play the keyboards back in my high school days, but I was never good at it.

Anyways, I will try to master playing the song in my guitar and maybe let my daughter sing it. Oh, this is also one of her favorite songs.

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