Friday, November 20, 2009

Thankful Thursday 31

We're back in my country now. We never expected to be back here so soon. But God knows our hearts desire to spend some more time with family before going back to the place where God called us to be. It's amazing how everything started with a desire and a word was uttered and the next day, a call confirmed of our 'possibility' to go back home. Then, we prayed and prayed. And now we're here. :)

I thank God for He is a God who meets our every heart's desire. I thank God that He will continue to refresh us and prepare us as we go back to our 'work' at the end of the year. I thank God for taking away all our fears as He constantly reminds us to trust in Him.

What about you? What are you thankful for today? Join us on Grace Alone for today's Thankful Thursday.


Denise said...

I am glad you are home sweetie, bless you.

Pia said...

God does answer prayers! this is inspiring. i also have prayers i'm waiting for God to answer, to bring to pass His promises. i'm glad to be reminded that He does answer prayers.



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