Friday, November 20, 2009


My sis has a small silver jewelry business. This actually started when she found out several years ago that the silver jewelry in Malaysia is quite cheap. And then, when we befriended someone in Thailand who also sells silver jewelry, we found out that their goods are much cheaper. So, once or twice a year, we would go to our friends' shop to buy silver. There were also a couple of times when my sisters went to Thailand and were the ones who came to buy their goods.

But sadly, this year, my sister wasn't able to sell some items because were not able to bring some supply for this year since we were out of Thailand for a year. I'm not sure though if my sis still plans to continue with her small business. But in the future, if her business becomes bigger and she'll need some kind of online banking, I can actually recommend a site that does small business banking solutions.

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