Friday, November 20, 2009

A Milestone for My Li'l Girl

Our li'l girl always wanted to ride a bicycle on her own but we felt that she wasn't ready yet. First, her bicycle back in Malaysia was too big for her. So, that's why we had to assemble trainers wheel so she won't fall. But as month went by the other wheel came off but surprisingly she can still manage to ride with a single trainer's wheel. The two days before we left for the Philippines, the only trainer's wheel also came off so, she had to 'practice' riding without it.

For a day or two she tried to ride on her own. I saw her trying her best and even told her to use her cousin's bike with the trainer's wheel. But she told me, " It's okay Amma. I will try to learn. Even if I fall down, I will be okay". Now, that's determination. But sadly, she wasn't able to continue her 'self training' as we then traveled back here in the Philippines.

But when we arrived here in the Philippines, we were excited to know that my sister bought 2 small bicycles ( without the trainer's wheel) for Tricia and her cousin Z. So, day 2 of our stay here, our li'l girl started to practice riding the bicycle on here own. This time, it looks a lot easier for her since she can put her foot down whenever she feels that she's starting to fall down.

And on the second day of her 'training', she was indeed able to ride by herself. Now, she's already such an expert riding her bicycle that she uses it whenever she goes to her cousins house ( which is actually just a few meters away from my Mom's house). Riding the bicycle is actually one of the first things she does when she wakes up. So, whether she's on her sleeping clothes or runners clothing, she will just jump right into it and excitedly ride.

Praise God for our li'l girl. I'm just amazed by her 'determination' and her eagerness to learn. I just hope and pray that she'll have this attitude in her school work and all the other aspects in her life.


Bogie said...

Asa man ang picture? he.he.he

Kids and Me said...

Wow! Congratulations Tricia!

Unknown said...

Congratutions trish...ay love mao ni ako number 09185944945

Mindy said...

Good for her! : )


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