Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday 2

1) I'm thankful for God's grace and mercies everyday in our lives.

2) I'm thankful that my family back in the Philippines are safe and sound, in spite of the storm that has affected the whole country. But our prayers are continuous to all the families affected especially the families of the the victims of the capsized MV Princess of the Stars.

3) I'm thankful for the everyday blessings and comforts that God gives to our family.

4) I'm thankful for the developments of our kids. My 4-year old can read ( a bit) now and my 8-month old is already cruising around his cot and can stand still without support for a feaw seconds. These precious li'l ones are indeed great blessings and gives joy to us.

5) I'm thankful for the one-on-one time that my Li'l girl and I are going to spend later. She needs more time alone with me these days esp. after her baby brother was born.


i said...

Glad that your family is safe. Time alone with your lil' girl is very special. Have a good time with her.

Aisha said...

Glad you joined TT. Love this meme. That's nice that you can spend time with your daughter more. :)

Laurie Ann said...

Bless your thankful heart! I'm so glad you're safe and cherishing the time with your daughter...Happy TT!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing the TT list of yours. Have a nice day.

Denise said...

Bless you, I enjoyed your thankful list.

Peggy said...

Bless you & your sweet family! How wonderful that you are safe and thankful for the simple things in life that your kids can DO! Enjoy your special time with your little girl. Blessed thankful list!

I came here late last night and read your Love Story til 1:30am but I was too tired to write anymore! May God continue to bless
your LOVE and keep rekindling His Love for you all! Be blessed and
thanks for visiting me! VAYA CON DIOS...Go with God!

A Stone Gatherer said...

Those times are precious! Make many of them! Wonderful things to be thankful for!

God Bless!

eph2810 said...

I am thankful with you that your family is safe in your home-country.
How sweet that your little girl can read. You are right - your little girl needs the special time with you. I think it is hard to adjust with a new addition to the family.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us.

Be blessed today and always...


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