Friday, June 27, 2008

Sky Watch Friday #1

It was only 3 o' clock in the afternoon, and this was how it looked like outside. So, we got our umbrellas ready and went our way.


Aisha said...

Welcome to skywatch! Hope to see many more sky photos from you!

SandyCarlson said...

3 o'clock? Your umbrellas needed headlights.

Mustang Mike said...

Sure was turning dark! Grab the umbrellas mamma! Its about to rain buckets! Mustang Mike

chrome3d said...

It´s simple and it works! Nice perspective.

Kyanite said...

Hope you didn't get too wet, those storms clouds suggest even a brolly might be inadequate!

TY for visiting my Sky Watch.
Have a good w/e!


Lara said...

so dark? oh, well, some rain would be good here too!

a woman who is said...

This is my first Sky Watch too!
Thanks for stopping by.
Love your playlist by the way!

Jan said...

signals very heavy rain.

welcome to skywatch friday

Anonymous said...

I'm back ...
Oh no, cried blog world ... he's back!

But guess what, I'm glad I decided to make a comeback.
If I didn´t rejoin SWF I would never have the chance to see this great photo!

Tom said...

A warm welcome to Sky Watch.. may your clouds raindown gold and the sun shine upon you..

Anonymous said...

That looks like you should have ran!!!!

Petunia said...

Good idea to bring with you the unmbrellas:)It is so much better to take it with you and not need to use it or the opposite, isn't it?

Petunia's SWF

Anonymous said...

hello love, hope you can visit my first sky watch entry. thanks!

Anonymous said...

looks like a storm is brewing! Great photo!

Sandpiper (Lin) said...

Very ominous looking sky!

Pat - Arkansas said...

Wow! I'd get my umbrella out, also, if I saw that coming my way. What a stormy looking sky. Great Sky Watch. Welcome!

Dancin Fool said...

Did you get soaked? It looks like a good down poor is immanent!

Unknown said...

Great capture for sky watch!
Have a nice weekend.

Tash said...

Welcome to skywatch. I like that rain does not slow you down. Good shot of the stormy sky.


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