Thursday, May 27, 2010

Thanful Thursday - May 27

  • The past week has indeed been a beautiful week since we have seen the 'answer' to what we've been praying for months. Praise God for HIs great blessings!
  • I'm also thankful that we've finally ordered my li'l girl's homeschool materials after waiting for several months.
  • I'm thankful for my li'l girl is happy and excited to go to her Thai school everyday . It's her 3nd week in school now, gained new friends and can write the Thai scripts! Amazing!
  • I'm also thankful that I am more confident to drive and fetch my girl from her school. Her school is not that far though but it's a big accomplishment for me already. :)
  • I'm thankful for the blissful weekend we had in Krabi! It was indeed a great break for the family. Thank God for our 'family' blessing!
  • I'm especially thankful for God's presence, protection, favor and love in our lives day adter day. Thank you so much, Lord!
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1 comment:

grace said...

Got an award for u.


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