Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Missing Tooth

This is a sponsored post.

My li'l girl has lost her tooth a few weeks ago. She got her tooth knocked out while I had my driving practice. Yeah, I'm guilty about her missing tooth and I can't help but be sad every time I remember the incident. My li'l girl has to wait for another year or two before her permanent tooth will come out. It's a good thing though that it was only her baby tooth that got knocked out. But I do hope that her permanent tooth's growth won't be affected as it comes out. You see, my li'l girl's front teeth are quite protruding. I think she would need braces in the future if her permanent teeth would grow the same was as her baby teeth.

I've had braces when I was much younger. My father knew one of the pioneer orthodontists in our city and he gave us a big discount for my treatment. In the Texas, I've heard about the leading Austin Orthodontics. They're known to have a family friendly dental practice where both kids and adults alike have a pleasant experience with their services and treatment.

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