Saturday, January 23, 2010

Yummy Sunday - Cashew Nut Chicken ( Own Version)

It's still Saturday today but I thought of posting my Yummy Sunday earlier while I still have the time. For this week's post, I would like to 'proudly' present my very own version of Thai Cashew Nut Chicken. This dish is one of my favorite Thai dishes so, I thought of trying to cook it on my own. I got the recipe from the web and it's quite a easy to make. And the taste? It taste like Thai Cashew Nut Chicken..haha!

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Perfectly Blended said...

Wow, looks so delicious. :) Looks like adobo. :)

Kim, USA said...

I haven't try to cook chicken with cashew ma try nga ito, this looks very yummy. Thanks for sharing!

YummySunday:Seafood Trio

wenn said...

so coincidence. i had cashew nuts today. but with my thai fried pineapple rice.

Arlene said...

really really delicious. i often order this in chinese restaurants back in china. though they have celery cuts on it which really add to the yummy flavor.

pwede patikim? nagutom na ako. :)


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