Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Thankful Thursday 33

It has been a great and busy week for us. Just last week ( last Thursday) we were still in our hometown in the Philippines and traveled to Kuala Lumpur and then Taiping, Malaysia. And now we are Thailand! :)

Here are the things that I'm thankful for this past week:

I thank God for his traveling mercies upon our family last week. We were almost late for our flight from our hometown to Manila. But praise God for that kind and gentle hearted ground stewardess who allowed us to check in even if the check in counter was already closed. Whew!

I thank God for our loving family back in the Philippines and Taiping. They all gave us surprises, great meals/ parties and gifts before we left. We will miss you all!

I thank God for a great road trip from Malaysia to Thailand. It was a refreshing time for me and Hubby as we spent a lot of time praying on the way.

I thank God for we are back HOME in Thailand.

Praise God for whom all blessings flow!

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