Friday, October 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday 26

It has been quite a long week for me.. but I thank God for His grace and strength. Indeed this week has been quite challenging as Hubby was away to Nepal. As mentioned in one of my previous post, it has been a time of breaking and molding from God.

Here is my list of thanksgiving for this week:

I thank God for his grace and strength daily. It was not easy to take care of my two active kids without my Hubby. You see, you got no one to take turns with when it comes to disciplining, feeding, putting them to sleep and etc. But I survived!:)

I thank God that my Hubby is back home safe and sound. He did come back with praise reports of all the great things that God has done in the villages of Nepal.

I thank God for answered prayers are coming our way! Wohoo!!

I thank God for my kids' unconditional love, that no matter how many times I reprimanded them the past week, they continue to cling unto me and never fail to tell me that they love me.. sigh!

What about you? What are you thankful for today? You might want to join us next week.


Denise said...

Fantastic blessings.

Nancie said...

Thank God for seeing you through the challenging week and your Hubby is safely home. Thank God for answered prayers! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Take care and have a blessed day!


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