Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Word Filled Wednesday - Fishers of Men

'Come follow me', Jesus said, ' and I will make you fishers of men.' Mark 1:17

This verse reminds me of what God intends us to be, "Fishers of men". May our hearts not be hardened but continually have that burden for the lost...

for more inspiring verses and reminders from the Word of God, click on the badge below..


Alex said...

I agree, we should always be reaching out to others! Blessings & happy WFW!

Denise said...

Nice verse and picture.

Chelle said...

I love it, then again, I'm biased because I used that verse last week. Great minds we have! LOL!

Amy said...

This is a beautiful photo with an amazing verse. Thank you for sharing.

Laurie said...

I echo your prayer! Love it,

Bogie said...

Amen to this post :)

Chie Wilks said...

great photo and a very wonderful and reminding verse..

ozjane said...

Love those boats and the reminder
My Dad was in no way sport orientated...my background did not have space for sport.....it was considered worldly I guess and there were better things.....but he was a fisherman and we almost always had a boat and fortunately I was a good sailor ...we will not bother about the fishing..but I could catch them.....but loved to steer the boat home through rough seas. Just as He brings us safely home.

HisFireFly said...

This was wonderful and I also add and AMEN to your prayer!

Wisdom for Today said...

Amen. Keep fishin'

Cathy said...

A great verse, reminder for us today, and picture ~

Collette@Jesuslovesmums said...

A great reminder and something that has been on my mind!
Collette xx

Susan said...

Oh Lord, give me a heart for souls!!

Great post.

Have a blessed day♥

Jean Stockdale said...

I am just now catching up on the Blog Hopping to see others posts. You have a great site and I love your picture.

I am hosting "5 Things Friday" on my blog at http://jeanstockdale.typepad.com and I hope you will stop by and play along. I write to encourage MOMS in the fine art of Christian mothering. Such an awesome privilege, such a tough job! Blessings.


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