Thursday, July 2, 2009

Thankful Thursday 18

Welcome to my Thankful Thursday Post. Indeed, God is good, all the time!! Here's my share of thanksgiving list for this week.

I thank God for

1) .. answered prayers!
2) ..that He indeed knows what best for us. We just experienced a situation when we want something to happen but it didn't happen.. because God had a better plan.
3) .. putting in our hearts to bless the immigrants in this place.
4) .. for friends who care so much for us
5) .. for the Malaysian government ( bless them Lord!) who gives a lot of benefits for its people.. we just got free vaccination for my son today.. ;) so, we didn't have to go to Thailand and spend for it.
6) .. for more opportunities to earn through paid posts that came this week and are coming along my way.

If you want to join this wonderful meme, you can visit Lyn as she's hosting this month's Thankful Thursday.


GodsOwn/Bernice said...

Praising God with you this TT

Denise said...

You are truly blessed.

Lauren said...

a wonderful list! Praise God and happy TT!

Genefaith said...

Praise God sa gibuhat ni God sa inyo Ate...

About the papa jud na nagpili sa amo mga ngalan and with meanings na tanan kay before our names na finalized it is coupled with prayer coz our names show our characters...

PTL jud te kay naretrieve ra ako yahoo account..Gud nite...

Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration

Karen said...

God indeed knows what's best for us. I totally agree! Sometimes we may think our way is better and it may be hard to accept God's way, but His way is always best.

Hope you have a great day!

bp said...

That's neat you have the opportunity for paid posts and you were able to get the vaccination for your son. Have a blessed day.

Angela said...

Thank you for sharing. I SO enjoy reading everyone's Thankful Thursday.

Daisy said...

Passing by from TT... and hope you have a blessed weekend!

I also joined this week's meme so hope you come by and visit


Rita T. said...

Answered prayer would be at the top of my list too. Have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...

Hi Loved your list. You seem so very happy and thankful.


See you again this week. Hugs.


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