Friday, July 10, 2009

Mommy Moments - Pouting Face

mommy moments

The theme for this week's Mommy Moments is a cute one but I found it a bit difficult to search through a perfect pouting face photo. So, this is the best that I could dig from my 'treasure box' of photos. I'm not even sure if it could 'pass' as a pouting face.

This is my son's reaction, when we let him eat mashed potatoes at around 6 months. He didn't like it at all.

Just a blank stare...

For more 'real' pouting faces.. visit other Mommy Entries from Mommy Journey.


Chris said...

thanks for digging up old pictures to join us! :) you have a real cutie pie there!

Twinkie said...

It took me a while to find your pouting face entry thus really worth it. :D I wonder how the mashed potato tasted! Haha!

Genefaith said...

cutie Lyle how are you naman long?..he..he..when kaya tayo magkita uli para makita naman namin yong cutie pouting face mo..he..he...

Mine's here: Hyzyd's Pouting Face

Our Adventures Together/
Her and History
Tasty Exploration

nanay said...

Lyle is very cute. I miss him.

Evan's Mom said...

I guess each kid has his/her own cute way to show his/her displeasure. I needed to dig my folders too to find his "close to pouty" face ^_^
Thanks for stopping by, happy weekend.

Cookie said...

ka cute ba diay sa manghud ni tricia.. how old is he na gani?

Cookie's Corner


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