Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dream Prize

After writing about the travel package that I won from a contest, I just couldn't help but 'dream' of winning another contest to travel to any part in the world and which is good for 2 or even the entire family. If I were to choose a destination, I would really like to go and see Paris, France. I've seen the beauty of this place only through the photos and television and I can't imagine how everything will look like ' live'. I'm sure it'll be a surreal experience.

Of course, the Eiffel Tower would be the first stop. But I really have to make sure to visit the Louvre Museum and sink myself deep at the artistic creations of the painting masters. I would also love to taste first hand, the orginal french cuisine. As of now, I've only tasted the 'french bread' sold at local bakeries..LOL! Anyways, I've found some sites with everything french: Thalasso for French Spa, Cave a vin for French wine, Batteries electroniques and assuranc eviedeces for Insurance in France.

Okay, I better wake up from my dream now and get into reality. Anyhow, I'm still in the midst of a beauty in a town called Taiping. Thank God for the beauty of His creation.

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