Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Good Health and Strength

I thank God for good health and strength especially during our trip early this month. Praise God that our kids didn't get sick and they didn't have any problem with the food and environment too. We really prayed for their safety and health because it's very difficult for kids to fall ill during any travel.

Many people warned us of the safety of the food and water of the place where we went. Eating street food is definitely a "No No " for foreigners. Well if you see how they prepare the food that they sell on the streets, I'm sure you won't have any appetite to eat too. So, we were very careful with our food intake while we were there. But then our kids especially , Lyle goes to almost anyone, some people gave him food without my permission. I couldn't just take away the food that they gave, because they might feel insulted. So, all I could do was to pray for God to cleanse the food since I was not sure where it came from. And thankfully, our kids didn't have any problems.

So, we all came back home safe, sound and healthy.. except for some minor back pains from carrying our bags and kids when they were too tired to walk. But the pains vanished after 2 days of rest. So, there was not need for us to Buy Fioricet to relieve us for the pain.

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