Friday, September 12, 2008

The Best Daily Devotional

I consider My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers the best devotional book ever written. It's a book written more than 50 years ago and is filled with beautiful insights and truth from the Bible. Every page is thought provoking, insightful and sometimes painful as it's very direct and breaks through the heart.

I remember reading this devotional for the first time (when I was still in HIgh School) and it was a bit difficult for me to understand because of the depth of the words used. But then, it made me read it slowly, digesting its every truth and indeed it helped me a lot in my spiritual life.

Now, I got hold of another daily devotional book, Streams in The Desert by Mrs. Charles Cowman. Reading the 1st reading itself struck me and reminded me of God's ultimate purpose for my life.

This book has been first released in 1925 and the copies were originally intended just for Mrs. Cowman's friends and family. But presently it has more than 2 million copies in print. Mrs. Cowman was a missionary in Japan and China and in the book were her thoughts, quotations and spiritual inspirations that help sustained her during those years and the time when she was nursing her husband while he was dying. Amazing.. I can't wait to read through her thoughts and writing as to how God has held her and taught her. I can't wait to learn from her experiences with God too.

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