Thursday, August 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday 8

It's has been a great and busy week for our family and here's our list of thanksgiving to God.

1) I'm thankful for God's constant protection in our lives especially when we traveled by car going to Malaysia. On the way to Malaysia, we passsed by two major accidents on the road with some casualties and on the way back home, we saw another 2 accidents on the road. :(

2) I'm thankful for wonderful friends we met in Ipoh. We have truly been blessed and encouraged through their lives with their love and prayers for us.

3) I'm thankful for God's little surprises for us through the lives of our friends. Last week, our friends brought us to the mall, told us that they want to bless us and asked us to shop for new clothes for our family. :) It was like "Christmas in August". :) Bless their generous hearts, LOrd.

4) I'm thankful to God for blessing our effort to save up for our family's BIG trip next year. I'm receiving quite a lot of assignments to do paid posts and being accepted in 2 more sites.

Have a blessed week to all!


Denise said...

Praise God for watching over you.

Unknown said...

So glad your trip went smoothly. Thank you for sharing your week with me. Have a wonderul TT.

Anonymous said...

oh, i love surprises! be blessed, dear one.

i said...

Glad to hear you had a safe journey. Remain blessed!

Addicted to Beadz said...

Thanks for sharing!

Have a great day!

Melanie said...

Wow.. what wonderful blessings! God has blessed you with some most wonderful friends.

Happy Thankful Thursday!

Laurie Ann said...

Praising God with you for His provision. Happy Thankful Thursday!

Jenileigh said...

What a wonderful list. Have a blessed TT!

Marsha said...

Thankful for your safety.

Have a blessed weekend.

Mary said...

Praise God for His protection. Glad your trip went well. Have a great weekend.


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