Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday 1

1) This is my very first post for Thankful Thursday and I thank God for this meme where we can share God's goodness and be constantly be reminded of it.

2) I thank God for my wonderful family and a very comfortable home overseas.

3) I thank God for my sweet HUbby who took an afternoon off, took care of our kids and call our Thai friend to give me a massage.

4) I thank God that through the massage, my back pain is completely gone. I hurt my back the other day as I bended the wrong way to take my baby from the crib.

5) I thank God for His added grace, strength and patience in taking care of our 8 month old and 4 year old kids. It's not a very easy job but I praise God for getting through each day! whew! :)

6) I thank God for my new domain ( where I could post God's daily blessings or what I call miracles in our family. I thank my friend too, Janet who helped me in buying this domain. THanks Jan!

That's all for now and see you next ThursdaY!


A Stone Gatherer said...

Welcome to Thankful Thursday! What an awesome list! Those massages are just what tired mom's need! Blessings to you!

Tracy Berta-daughter to the King, wife, mother, speaker, writer said...

Welcome to Thankful Thursday!

I love the photo on your site. What a wonderful husband!!!!

Many blessings to you.

Anonymous said...

Lovely thoughts!

Darlene said...

Welcome to Thankful Thursday!

Great list of thanks!

Have a fabulous week!

Laurie Ann said...

Welcome to TT! Great list. God bless your thankful heart.

Denise said...

Welcome to thankful thursday, so glad you joined us. I enjoyed your thankful list.

Anonymous said...

Welcome!! Oh a wonderful. I'm glad your back is better.

eph2810 said...

How neat that you have joined us on Thankful Thursday :) - Welcome...

I am glad that you have a friend in the family that gives massages. I do hope that your back will be better soon.

Thank you so much for sharing your grateful heart with us - hope to see you join in often.

Be blessed today and always.

Anonymous said...

welcome to thankful thursday! thank you for sharing your thankfuls with us. God bless!

southmsmomof4 said...

So much to be thankful for. Thank you for joining and for sharing with us, your grateful heart this week. Be blessed,


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