Saturday, January 9, 2021

6th January- Journaling

I'm thankful for the new learnings and insights through journaling. I've been jounraling my devotions and quiet times for some time now but I havent really been very conistent. This year, I want to be more consistent and make journaling as part of my daily habits. 


5th January-Ube Cheese Pandesal

 Thankful for Hubby who brough back Ube Cheese Pandesal for me..I"ve been craving for this last weekend but never got the chance to buy them. So, I was thrilled when my Hubby told me he went to the Filipino Restaurant and bought some.

*365 Days of Gratutude Series

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

4th January - 1st Day of Work

*This is part of the 365 Gratitude Series

Yes, it's the first day of work today.. even though I was sad that my long holidays are over, but I'm thankful to go back to work - I'm thankful that I have work! This is a major thing to be thankful at this time. With the pandemic still going on and the economy not bein very good, work is a major blessing these days. Thank you Lord for the gift of work! 

3rd January - Goal Setting

 *This is part of my 365 Days of Gratitude Series

I'm thankful for the tine spent with family today as we spent time discussing our own personal goals for 2021. We have also reviewed our goals for 2020 and praise God that we have achieved most of our goals. Yay! 

2nd January- Exercise

 The 2nd day of the year was spent exercing. I'm thankful that someone has given us this treadmill. It was so unexpected, because a friend of a friend wanted to give away this machine and my Hubby was asked whether we wanted one. So, here goes to a healthier 2021! yay! 

*This is part of the 365 Days of Gratitude Series

1st January- Year 2020 Reflections


Our new year as a family was first spent in reflection of how our 2020 was for each one of us. We then spent time praying and dedicating our 2021 before God. I treasure those moments.. not a lot of fanfare but it was very peaceful and assuring that God indeed will take control of our 2021.

This is part of the 365 Days of Gratitude Series

365 Days of Gratitude

It has been almost 4 years since I last posted in this blog. I'm not sure if this blog is still accessible to the public. But nevertheless, as part of my resolutions for 2021. I'd like to write a gratitude post for each day. It will just be a simple photo to help me remind of the day and a short post of what I'm grateful for.

Currently, I have a personal journal which I call 'One Thousand Blessings' which i write all the blessings and things I'm thankful for each day. Today, I've written my 193rd entry. Writing all the things I'm grateful for each day, helps me appreciate everything in life, big and small. Most of all, it helps me worship God more as I'm thankful for everything He is doing in my life! 


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