Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Writer in the Making?

We have a writer in the making.. and it's our daughter Trish. She has been writing short stories since she was about 7 years old and now she's planning to write Chapter books. She has actually started on a few stories (Chapter book) before but she never got to finish any yet. But with her latest book, it seems that she's very enthusiastic about this. 

So without further ado, let me direct you to a 'sneak-peek'  of her book entitled, Dear Lizzy

Music Practice

Today's our music practice in the church and my daughter is going with me. After a few years in this local church, it's just recently that I committed myself to join the music team. Now with the kids a bit grown up, I'm a bit more free and able to do things that I could never do before.  

During my first music practice a few weeks ago, I immediately felt at 'home'. I was a part of the music team back  at home during my younger years.Yes, I remember our weekly pactices, team devotions and playing the musical instruments .  And being in the ministry has truly helped me a lot in my spiritual growth. So, that's why I'm encouraging my daughter now and letting her join the practice. She can sing but I think she will just be having a bit of a problem with the songs since we will be singing the Thai worship songs. ;)

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