Friday, June 7, 2013

Clay Art Lessons

We found a Clay Art School here in the city last week. Our kids got excited and told  us that they want to learn how to do clay art. But as we inquired of the classes, we found out that an hour session would cost 300 Baht per child and it's a continuous course that they have to learn for several months. We think that  it 's too expensive and explained to our kids that it's not practical for them to take the course due to the costs. They got disappointed for awhile but got excited again that instead we will buy them new sets of clay and learn from Youtube. 

True enough I found a lot of tutorials from Youtube and we will be starting our lesson this coming Monday. It's amazing how an expensive class can turn out to be FREE because of the internet. :) Who know they with their interest with clay, they might become future industrial designers and work for for industrial ceramics. ;) 

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