Friday, June 28, 2013

ABC Scripture Cards

We just printed out the ABC Scripture cards and used it for  my kids. It's a very useful and effective tool for the kids to easily memorize verses alphabetically with pictures. My kids memorize one verse a day and go through the whole verses from A until the letter were we are in, so as not to forget the other verses as we go along. My kids love it and during dinner, they recite their memory verses for their 'Appa' to hear.  We're currently in letter G and so far no one is complaining as the recitation time is getting longer as we go along..:) I highly recommend printing these cards for the kids to use. I got the free downloadable sheets and it's for free. Here's the link .

The Shy Singer

My daughter loves to sing and she has a sweet voice when she sings but she's quite shy to sing in front of many people. Once a relative asked her to sing for his wedding but she refused because she said she only sings in front of us and not with many people. I think she just have to shyness and this fear of performing in the public. I'm sure if she gets used to sing and play instruments with excellent lace pickups she will overcome her fear of performing in front of many people. 

The Good Boots

My son loves these boots, that's why he asked me to take a photo of it. These boots were actually given to him by his cousin from the Philippines. It was intended for his older cousin but since it doesn't fit him, Lyle got to have it. He was so happy and it has now become his favorite shoes aside from the sole sandals . I also love these shoes since it seems very sturdy and it will save us from always buying new shoes that ends up getting broken after a few uses. But just don't let him step on your toes with these shoes because you'll really cry out of pain. :)

Friday, June 7, 2013

Father's Day is Coming

Just a few days ago, Hubby and I have been talking about my late father.I was telling him more of how my Tatay ( father in our language) was like when we were still small. Hubby never really got a chance to spend a lot of  time with my Tatay since we were out of the country after we got married and only got to visit a few times before he passed away. Whenever I talk about my Tatay, I can't help but miss him terribly. It's on the month of June that he passed away, and it's also the month for Father's Day.  

I'm just thankful to God for letting us have a wonderful earthly father though his time here on earth was just short, but indeed it's very meaningful and such a great blessing to many people.  

Clay Art Lessons

We found a Clay Art School here in the city last week. Our kids got excited and told  us that they want to learn how to do clay art. But as we inquired of the classes, we found out that an hour session would cost 300 Baht per child and it's a continuous course that they have to learn for several months. We think that  it 's too expensive and explained to our kids that it's not practical for them to take the course due to the costs. They got disappointed for awhile but got excited again that instead we will buy them new sets of clay and learn from Youtube. 

True enough I found a lot of tutorials from Youtube and we will be starting our lesson this coming Monday. It's amazing how an expensive class can turn out to be FREE because of the internet. :) Who know they with their interest with clay, they might become future industrial designers and work for for industrial ceramics. ;) 

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