Sunday, April 14, 2013

Baking Time!

It has been awhile since I baked a cake. I've been a bit lazy when it comes to cooking and baking lately. But since it's our assistant pastor and wife's birthday, I immediately bought the cake ingredients and made myself to work. Amazingly, I got excited when I started to bake. I already had a lot of cake designs on my mind. 

Finally, I settled with the sunflower since it's summer and the colors are more on the neutral side since it's a husband and wife's birthday. So, the photo above is the final product. Now, I'm so motivated to bake again and can't wait to bake another cake for my daughter's upcoming birthday. We're planning to have a simple birthday celebration in her Sunday school so, no need for catering or order for spandex linens. Just a kiddie party with cake, finger food, games and fun!

1 comment:

Genuine Cuisine said...

love, your cake really looked so pretty and I am also sure that it surely tastes good too. Keep it up!


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