Thursday, March 7, 2013

A "Small One's' Testimony

Our son is a Lego fan. He has always been telling me of his friend's Lego toy and he wants to play the game online. But last Sunday, he got the biggest surprise when our friend gave him the same Lego toy that he liked. Oh, he was ecstatic and I couldn't count how many times he hugged our friend and thank him for the gift.

Then afternoon came and still with his Lego toy at hand, he was running around the church grounds. Until, he came to a realization that many parts of his toy were missing. He cried as he told me that his Lego parts were  nowhere to be found in the big church ground. So, his sister and I  went out and helped him look for the tiny Lego pieces. When we were looking through the grasses and plants, I could hear him praying out loud that he could find the parts. Then, one by one we found the parts and he  just shriek out of pure joy whenever we find a piece. 

Then we went inside for the Sunday service and during the testimony time, I simply asked Lyle if he wants to share any testimony. He immediately went in front, smiled at the Emcee and slowly took the microphone and said, " I thank God that I found my Lego toys!"... then paused as if to say something ..and then said, 'That's all!" lol! Oh, that was the cutest and most precious thing I've seen! Glory to God!

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