Sunday, March 31, 2013

A Blessed Resurrection Sunday!

Today is Resurrection Sunday or what is commonly known as Easter Sunday. I know it's just a terminology, but I would rather call this day as Resurrection Sunday to truly remind us of our Lord's Resurrection. Personally for me, once Easter is mentioned, I could easily imagine cute fluffy bunnies and colorful eggs. But we know that the real essence of this day is to celebrate and declare that Jesus is alive!! He is so much alive in our hearts and in our lives! 

Have a blessed Resurrection Sunday to ALL!!!!!

Intermission: Sky Garage

I saw this video awhile back. I thought that it's just one of the hi tech ideas that hasn't been implemented yet. I thought, where to find car lifts like this? But I was surprised to know that this hi tech  sky garage or I would call as a car lift really does exist in Singapore. I'm curious about it and would like to see one 'live'.

Ready for School?

We might be sending our son to a regular school as soon as we move back to Hubby's hometown. My daughter also attended the same school for a few months when we were there and she liked it. But as for my son, whenever we talk about him going to school, he doesn't like the idea. Maybe it's because he still can't imagine how school is going to be since he hasn't been in one. So, we try to motivate him by telling him about the playground, school lockers, play time, classmates and etc. but he still seem unconvinced. Anyways, we will surely make a short visit to the kindergarten so he can see for himself and we can decide from there. 

Fun Week for the Kids

Last week was indeed a fun and enjoyable week for our kids. They attended a 4 day children's program, met their old friends and met knew ones. They also had bible stories, learned about different countries, sang songs, played games, did crafts and other activities. I think one of their favorite activities was face painting. They were so excited to have their face painted and even refused to wash them off! My son was painted as a native from Papua New Guinea while my daughter had more of a stylish painting. 

Favorite Song Part 1

I would like to share with you my son's favorite song. Whenever we are in the car, he always request to play his favorite song countless of times. I'm quite amused listening to his garbled lyrics but after hearing the song for the nth time in the car, it's always a good idea to change the song.

Here is Lyle's favorite song and it's called Born Again from the Newsboys. I don't know why he likes this song when it's a bit on the 'noisy' side with drums, electric guitars and the best electric piano . Listen and judge for yourself whether it's a good song or not . :)

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Don Lyle

My son likes to be like a 'grown up' these days. If you see him now, he's with a wrist band and a ring. And sometimes he likes to use his father's sunglasses. Well, he does look like a grown up and I could just imagine how he looks like at 18 and with ray ban cockpit. Oh, I think he become a handsome man. (lol! of course I'll say that because I'm the mom)

Anyways, with his get up yesterday, he looked like a 'Don' and we started calling him Don Lyle, for fun.He actually liked it and the more he acted like one. ;)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

A "Small One's' Testimony

Our son is a Lego fan. He has always been telling me of his friend's Lego toy and he wants to play the game online. But last Sunday, he got the biggest surprise when our friend gave him the same Lego toy that he liked. Oh, he was ecstatic and I couldn't count how many times he hugged our friend and thank him for the gift.

Then afternoon came and still with his Lego toy at hand, he was running around the church grounds. Until, he came to a realization that many parts of his toy were missing. He cried as he told me that his Lego parts were  nowhere to be found in the big church ground. So, his sister and I  went out and helped him look for the tiny Lego pieces. When we were looking through the grasses and plants, I could hear him praying out loud that he could find the parts. Then, one by one we found the parts and he  just shriek out of pure joy whenever we find a piece. 

Then we went inside for the Sunday service and during the testimony time, I simply asked Lyle if he wants to share any testimony. He immediately went in front, smiled at the Emcee and slowly took the microphone and said, " I thank God that I found my Lego toys!"... then paused as if to say something ..and then said, 'That's all!" lol! Oh, that was the cutest and most precious thing I've seen! Glory to God!

Movie Nights

With a 'no TV' rule in the house, Friday movie nights  in the house are much awaited by the kids. By the middle of the week, they already have their plan laid out for Friday, like what movie they want to watch. Sometimes, with a borrowed LCD projector, they get more excited and have a more wonderful viewing experience. Maybe if we have all the good sound system and  mpc renaissance , then it's already a  'theater-like ' experience for  them. 

Anyways, this Friday's movie in the house is Spy Kids. Anyone wants to join us? Just make sure to bring popcorn!

Arts and Craft

We have been so trying to keep up the pace of our homeschool schedule after a long break from our Philippines trip that I've totally forgotten about music and arts and craft for the kids. Even though my kids have their own 'unsupervised' arts and craft session during the free time, but it's different when we do something  planned and 'purposeful'. Anyways, I just found a project that can interest my kids and it's called decoupage.  I actually found a decoupage store in the city in which they had everything decoupaged from cigar boxes to straw hats. I thought I could check it out online first before buying their stuff and to my surprise, we can truly make our own decoupage without buying a single item from their store. So, now I'm geared up for arts and crafts and I hope my kids will be as excited as I am with this project.

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