Saturday, January 26, 2013


As I remember the times we had back home in the Philippines, I can't just help but be thankful to God for all the wonderful times we spent with family and friends. I'm especially happy for my little ones who truly enjoyed their time with their cousins too. They've learned a lot more about being a 'Bisaya' or "Pinoy" this time, from using their slippers inside the house to saying 'Ayooo!!...lock man! ' ( Lyle said that) outside a locked gate. There were petty fights and 'sumbong sumbong' among the cousins but all these were erased with the sorries, the hugs and the kisses. 

Oh, we will truly miss family back home... but it's time to move on and just pray for everyone as we remember them. 

Thank you God for the special memories.. thank you Lord that you have also protected us and provided for us during our entire stay in the Philippines. It is our prayer that as we look forward for the things that you have entrusted to us..our hearts will be filled with expectations for the things that you have in store for us. Amen

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