Wednesday, June 27, 2012

June 27

June 27. The day I will never forget. This is the day when we my father drew his last breath. Though it has already been 8 years since he passed away, but our hearts still ache and tears still flow every time we remember him. Oh, how we miss him so much! He had been a loving father and a great man of God. I'm truly thankful to God for he gave us a great Tatay. He has played a great part of our lives and together with my Mom has brought up well. Though his years on this earth may not have been long but it was indeed a life seeing God's love, humility and grace working through his life.

A loving Husband to my Nanay, A great father to us, a selfless friend and brother to others... He is truly missed!

Friday, June 22, 2012

A Father's Day Surprise

Our kids love surprises. Whenever I plan a surprise, they are always there to help me and keep our surprise our secret. And we did this for our Father's Day surprise. We started our preparation 2 weeks earlier as we had to order a photo book from Artscow. Everyday, my kidswill excitedly join me as I upload and edit photos in the photobook. Sometimes, I find a lot of little fingers on my computer screen telling me where to put the photo, flowers and etc. :) In that photobook, Tricia also made a poem especially for her Appa. Without me telling them, the kids also made their own stuff to give to their Appa. Then before and on the day, they helped me in cutting and preparing the the decoration.

And our work has paid off since our 'Appa' was so thankful and really appreciated our surprise and everything we did. But then in reality, what we have done is just very small compared to all the love and sacrifices that Hubby has done for us and the kids. But thank God for a special day set aside to show how much we love and appreciate the fathers.
Oh, this also reminds me of my own Tatay who passed away a few weeks after Father's Day in 2004. That's why father's day has always given me mixed emotions since then, I'm grateful that God has given my kids a loving father but I'm also sad because I also miss my own Tatay. But nevertheless, I'm just so blessed because God has given them to me.

Of Rabbits and Pets

I like looking at this photo. It captures the joy and excitement that radiates from my son's face. This was his first time (2011) to pet and feed a rabbit. Ever since, they've been asking us for a pet from rabbits to dogs in their a dog beds. I feel a bit guilty of not granting their wishes but then, since we always travel, it does seem impractical for us to take care of a pet. Maybe if we can find someone to take care of our pets whenever we are away, then this will be a bit more feasible. But, the next question will be.. are they ready to have one? Hmm.. let's wait and see...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

My Favorite Poem

Here is one of my favorite poems from my favorite poet who is one other than my li'l girl. ;) ( I just cut an copy pasted this from her blog.

Only God Knows
I sit down with my pencil red
And write down the things in my head.
I write about the moon
And what people dance in June.
One thing left in my mind
Is what else will I find?
It won't be as fast as a mower mows
But I say this only God knows

Incomplete Address

I mentioned before that I was waiting for our package from our friend. Well, we finally received the package and now we know what caused the delay - our mailing address was incomplete.

I could just imagine the confusion of the Thai postman who got a name, a house number, the name of the district, city and zip code but doesn't have the name of the street! I think it's that confusing that it took him 1 week to figure things out and maybe after delivering a few other letters to us ( with the correct address). But thank God that even with an incomplete mailing address, we were still able to receive our package. I also couldn't help remembering my late father receiving a letter with only his name, city address and zip code written on the envelope. No, he was not that famous but there are just people in our post office who knew him.

But if you're a doctor and wants know who Shelley Tepper, MD and where she is now , there's a database of physicians that you can consult and the site is called Doximity.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

12 Years Ago

My daughter was rummaging through our drawers looking for something this morning. Then, she lifted my journal from 12 years ago and curiously asked what's inside. I just simply told her that it's my journal and she can't read it now but I'll let her read when she's ready.

When she left the room, I found myself browsing through my journal and I was transported back in time Year 2000 or Y2K as how I wrote the year in my journal. LOL! The year 2000 was indeed an exciting year for me. I was still very single at that time and I was at the crossroad in my life and waiting on God for His clear directions. It was amazing as to how God spoke to me through His word. Everything was so clear!

I think it was not a coincidence that my daughter found my Y2K journal today. As I read through it, I was encouraged and reminded of a lot of things especially on God's promises. God's promises stands forever and He will FULFILL what He has purposed... Let us continue to hold on to God's promises because we know that He is faithful to let it come to pass.

Waiting for the Postman

I've been constantly looking outside today whenever I hear a motorbike sound. I'm actually waiting for the the postman. I'm expecting a few packages this week as our Thai friend sent a package from Bangkok for our li'l girl. I also ordered a few things (cheap books!) online a couple of weeks ago and I'm expecting them to arrive this week. And oh, an online company has also sent me some free stuff! Yeah, a lot of things you can get online even low cost term life insurance.

Oh, maybe I'm just excited. I'm excited for my li'l who will be receiving her gifts and the books I ordered for her.. and maybe I'm excited for Hubby and me too - for our free stuff! I love receiving free stuff err... mails and packages. It always feels like Christmas when I open packages or personal mails. :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

Replica Watches: As Glamorous and Trendy As Designer Watches

Now there is no need for a five second thought in buying the branded and luxurious watches for the reason that your pocket doesn’t allow so. As now even the ordinary class of people or the general class who strongly carry the fashion fantasy can also buy the exclusive watch which has the same appearance, same quality of material used and even the same design available with the replica watches. Replica defines the exact copy or the absolute imitation of the genuine and the original watches that are absolutely indistinguishable. Since these days watches are no more said to be the time piece which tells us the time instead the importance of watches have reached the sky, it is nowadays considered to be the symbol of prestige and standard.

There are diverse varieties of best replica watches which are appreciated and worn by both male and females. There are different brands for which the replicas are available. Basically these watches are generally manufactured in Japan. Gem Replica is known to be the topmost and leading company which makes Replica watches, which also makes sure that the customer gets the timely and proper delivery of the products ordered ensuring no harm or damage is caused to the product. The company is also famous for making Best Replica watches.

Lets us now put a beam of light on various attributes about these watches. Generally the replica watches are designed under utmost caution and so the supreme quality of material are offered which are similar to the original branded watches. You may either buy these Replica products online; moreover the orders which are placed would have the specific warranty till the time the order is delivered. Not just this, instead there are various websites which provide you promotional discount vouchers or the coupons. So now you may also enjoy the style and fashion by buying the designer and trendy Replica watches which provides style with elegance at affordable rates.

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