Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Free Trip

I just kept it touch with my friend whom I've met during the package trip that that I won 2 years ago. She actually joined a photo contest where she posted the photo she took during our trip to the north. When I saw the photo, all the memories of that trip came back to me. We went to many beautiful places up north ( Sukhothai, Chiang Mai and Lampang) in 6 days and really enjoyed our time. That was both our first time to travel far and be away from our families, though we really missed our Hubbies and kids that week, but it was a very good break for us. Our package trip was not like any motorcoach tours , but it was more of experiencing the culture and seeing the beauty of the place. Our group also consisted of different nationalities and it was nice to befriend them too. I can't remember how much that package trip was supposed to be worth our other companions paid the whole package, but since my friend and I were both winners, we didn't have to pay for anything.

Oh, I miss that time .. to experience that was really God's favor and miracle since I've never won anything in my life before!

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