Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Good Kind of Clutter

Our house is often cluttered with books, blocks, Beads and toys from our homeschool room to the living room. My kids often times clean up before they go to bed or before they do some quiet activity , but sometimes the 'sight' of an ongoing clutter just doesn't give me a 'positive' energy. :)

But then again, I just remind myself that it's a good sign to see books cluttered up because it means that the kids are really reading our books.. it's good to see the blocks not in their respective boxes because it means that they are using their creativity and imagination to build 'cities' and houses... it's good to see papers with drawings on the floor because it means that they are being artistic. And oh, not to mention our ream of a4 sized papers finishes easily because of heavy use.

So, sometimes, I thank God for clutter.. it just means that I have happy kids around me who are creative, artistic and hungry for knowledge.. :).. "But kids, please clean up afterwards.."

This is just for illustration purposes ( found from google), our rooms are not this cluttered, I think.. ;)

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