Sunday, June 29, 2008

One Word Meme

Zriz tagged me this time and it's 31 questions which you are simply going to answer with one word, hence, One Word Meme.

These are the questions:
1. Where is your cell phone? van
2. Your significant other? Jesu
3. Your hair? Black
4. Your mother? Nanay
5. Your father? Tatay
6. Your favorite thing? laptop
7. Your dream last night? none
8 Your favorite drink? Coke!
9. Your dream/goal? travel
10. The room you’re in? Bedroom
11. Your hobby? Blogging
12. Your fear? accident
13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Mal,Phi or THai
14. What you’re not? tall
15. Muffins? chocolate chip
16. One of your wish list items? oven
17. Where you grew up? Dumaguete
18. The last thing you did? eat
19. What are you wearing? night gown
20. Favorite Gadget? laptop
21. Your pets? rabbit
22. Your computer? Acer
23. Your mood? cool
24. Missing someone? yes
25. Your car? Nissan
26. Something you’re not wearing? watch
27. Favorite store? Tesco
28. Like someone? Yes
29. Your favorite color? Blue
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? yesterday

I'll complete this tag tomorrow.. I'm already too nyt!

Friday, June 27, 2008

The Man of our Lives

Our family will never forget every 27th of June. It was four years ago, since my father whom we call "Tatay" passed away to be with our Lord. Our hearts are filled with peace and joy that he's with our God now and not suffering any more pain ( as he had died from Cancer) but we can't deny that there will always this void in our hearts because we just miss him so much.

We were just truly blessed by God to have a great man for a father. He was humble and meek. Never have I seen him raise his voice to my mother nor acted in anger. Yes, he did got angry but he was a man of self control and patience. He was also a man of wisdom and gives great counsel. Many people from different walks of life would come to him and he is ready to listen to them, give counsel and help them in whatever way he can. We would always joke before that he can easily become a Barangay Captain ( like a district/village head) When he came to know the Lord in 1993, he had passion for God and passion for the lost. Wherever he went, he would tell them about what Jesus has done to mankind. There were times that he would just go out to have his haircut but it took him hours before he came back. That was because, he was talking to the barber and sharing about God's love for them.

He was a man of prayer and a worshiper. I could still remember the last days of his life. When even in pain and without his voice, but he would still worship God with all of his might. Whenever he felt pain, he would ask us to pray for him. Such faith, and such love for our God.

HIs life would always serve as an example and as an inspiration for me. That's why that I'm always grateful to God that he gave me such a father . Even if his life seemed short but it was indeed a life worth living. Lives were touched and most especially our lives - his children and his family.

God has indeed blessed us and this is one great miracle that I consider in my life..having wonderful parents and family!

My Banner

I've got a new banner for this site and I love it!! I'm so thankful to my friend, Ruby who has made this banner for me. She was also the one who made my banner in my travel blog.

Thanks so much Ruby! You're a blessing in the blogosphere! You've helped a lot of people and even with all the challenges that happen in your life, I thank God that you're unmoved and can even encourage other people. Just hold on to our God, holding on to HIs promises for He who promised plans to prosper us and not to harm us..plans to give us a HOPE and a FUTURE is the One who created us and the universe - He will never fail!

Sky Watch Friday #1

It was only 3 o' clock in the afternoon, and this was how it looked like outside. So, we got our umbrellas ready and went our way.

Travel the Continents Tag

Begin Copy

Rules :

1. Start Copy from "Begin Copy" until "End Copy".
2. Put your blog's name and url write in which continent you live, add the country you live in. Example : My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands)
3. Leave your url post in here and you'll be added in the Master List.
4. Please help spread this tag by tagging your friends as much as you can.
5. Don't play unfair! If you have more than 1 blog, you can participate all your blogs for this tag. BUT you will have to post this tag to all your blogs as well. So, please. Don't cheat!
6. Please come back again to copy the update of the master list, often. This process will help new participants to get the same gains as the first participants.
7. Don't forget to use the banner at your post, you can save as or you can just copy the code in here.

Master List :

A. Asia : 1. Moms... Check Nyo (Philippines) 2. Aeirin's Collections (Philippines) 3. Jenny and Belle(Philippines) 4. Hailey's Beats and Bits (Philippines) 5. Appleofmyeyes(Saudi Arabia) 6. Deranged Insanity (Philippines) 7. PROJECT HEAVY TRAFFIC (Singapore) 8. Rooms of My Heart (Indonesia) 9. Blessings and Beyond (Philippines) 10. lancerlord (Singapore) 11. allinkorea (Korea) 12. kimchiland (Korea) 13. korean food (Korea) 14. idealpinkrose (Korea) 15. Pinay Mommy Online (Philippines) 16. Momhood Moments (Philippines) 17. Business Mars (Philippines) 18. Maiylah’s Snippets (Philippines) 19. Picture Clusters (Philippines) 20. My Wanderings (Philippines) 21. Hit-or-Miss (Philippines) 22. Life Quest (Philippines) 23. FunFierceFabulous (Phils) 24. and Life Goes On for... (Philippines) 25. Moments of Colours (Philippines) 26. Making sense… (somehow) (Philippines) 27. Day To Day (Philippines) 28. My Happy Place 29. Me and Mine (Japan) 30. Little Peanut (Japan) 31. Creative In Me (Japan) 32. Pea in a Pod (Japan) 33. A Slice of Life (Phils) 34. Jenny Said So (Phils) 35. Live it Up... (Philippines) 36. A Sweet Taste Of Life (Philippines) 37. Through The Rain (Philippines) 38. Sugarmagnolias (Japan) 39. ParentZine育兒好好玩 (Singapore) 40. We are Family (PH) 41. Reference Notes (Hong Kong) 42. The Sweet Life 43. A Great Pleasure (Malaysia) 44. Lalaine's World ( Thailand) 45. Proud Mommy (Philippines) 46. Petty Ramblings of a Petty Queen(Malaysia) 47. The Real Deal (Malaysia) 48. My Sweet Escape (Malaysia) 49. Mommy Earns Money Online (Philippines) 50. Pexlinks Triple Love (Philippines) 51. OnlineBiz and Resources (Philippines) 52. LadyJava's Lounge (Malaysia) 53. LadyJava Life's Pages (Malaysia) 54. Being Woman (Malaysia), 55. Cat Tales (Malaysia) 56. Make Money Online (Malaysia) 57. LadyJava's Food Paradise (Malaysia) 58. Lourdes' Mia (Philippines) 59. Miss Write (Philippines) 60. Me, Myself+2 (Phils) 61. Moments of My Life 62. My Deepest & Honest Thoughts (Malaysia) 63. Crissy's Haven 64. Strangely Out of Place (Philippines) 65. Frozen Moments (India) 66. NER: Never Ending Resolve (Philippines) 67. Mindjuice in Full Throttle 68. Straight from the Heart 69. Creative Thoughts (Philippines) 70. Emila’s Illustrated Blog 71. WilStop (Philippines), 72. Alanzain-home decor world (Malaysia) 73. Let's talk-everything in one space (Malaysia) 74. Tiklaton (Pilipinas) 75. Digiscraptology (Philippines) 76. A Life in Bloom (Philippines) 77. Because Life is a Blessing (Philippines) 78. Day to Day Miracles 79. Budget Traveler 80. The Success (Indonesia) 81. Lets Travel Philippines (Philippines) 82. enlaceré. tordu. (Singapore) 83.Blessings in Life (Philippines) 84. Tere’s World (Philippines) 85. Journey in Life (Philippines) 86. Thoughts and Beyond (Philippines) 87. Geng's Journal (Philippines) 88. e-Shopping (India) 89. Tippy-Tips 90. Life and Me (Singapore) 91. Xploring Asia ( Singapore) 92. Baboyita (Philippines) 93. A Place Of Being (Philippines) 94. Bits and Pieces (Philippines) 95. Asian Mutt International (Malaysia) 96. An Anonymous Journal (Malaysia) 97. WebGeek Journal (Philippines) 98. BlogScope (Philippines) 99. The Mind The Heart The Lines (Malaysia) 100.BoBo the Bimbo (Singapore) 101.Sjtl (Philippines) 102. Crissy's Zone (PHIL) 103. [S]hiphire [D]ominion (Malaysia) 104. All about your children (Singapore) 105. Hardy Chen Power Blog (Indonesia) 106. Rien Mais Tout, Nothing But All (Malaysia) 107. A Nice Thought (Philippines) 108. Choc Mint Girl (Malaysia) 109. KaDusMama (Malaysia) 110. Chorva (Philippines) 111. your turn

B. Australia : 1. Reflexes (Australia) 2. Emcee 3. Outback-Pinay 4. Collect and Connect (Australia) 5. Stand My Ground (Australia) 6. Alive (Australia) 7. your turn

C. Afrika : 1. Doudy Sketche Watercolor Paintings 2. Optimizing for Search Engines 3. Painting Artworks 4. Pictures in Egypt 5. your turn

D. North Amerika : 1. Simple Life, Simply Me (USA) 2. Pinaymama's Diary (USA) 3. 3 Garnets & 2 Sapphires (United States) 4.Traipsey Turvey (USA) 5. Dabawenyako (USA) 6. Icelog (USA) 6. The Misadventures of an Ordinary Housewife (USA) 7. It Is Nap Time (US) 8.A Mother's Journal (USA) 9. Journey And Journal [USA] 10. Life is good and beautiful (USA) 11. Tasteful Voyage (USA) 12. Jenny's Wandering Thoughts (USA) 13. Mom Knows Everything (Canada) 14. Filipino love stories (USA) 15. A Mom's Note (USA) 16. Life with the Two Crazy Dogs 17. BLOGSILOG (USA) 18. Juliana’s World ( New York, USA) 19. My Daily Discourse (USA) 20. My Point Of View 21. My Blog Entry (USA) 22. This Side of Eternity (MI, USA) 23. The Paper Vision (USA) 24.Beyond Being A Mom(USA) 25.My So called life(USA) 26. Blogging By Sandee (USA) 27. Comedy Plus (USA) 28. My Life... My Journey!(USA) 29. Your Fun Family (USA) 30. Big Money List (Canada) 31. Life Expressions (USA) 32. your turn

E. South Amerika : 1. Oscar Luiz (Brazil) 2. your turn

F. Europe : 1. My Imaginary Travels (Netherlands) 2. Juliana's Site (Netherlands) 3. Picturing of Life (Netherlands) 4. SuperMae (Portugal) 5. The Callalily Space (The Netherlands) 6. Portia (UK) 7. Daily Grind (Germany) 8. Amel's Realm (Finland) 9. Mummy Diaries (England) 10. Mirage as Usual (Austria) 11. Say Cheese (DE) 12. Ramblings of an ad hoc doctor (United Kingdom) 13. Love Defies All (England) 14. your turn

G. Antarctica : 1. your turn


Now I'd like to tag Blog Ko 'toh, Reflections by Mariz, and Expressions and THoughts

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thankful Thursday 2

1) I'm thankful for God's grace and mercies everyday in our lives.

2) I'm thankful that my family back in the Philippines are safe and sound, in spite of the storm that has affected the whole country. But our prayers are continuous to all the families affected especially the families of the the victims of the capsized MV Princess of the Stars.

3) I'm thankful for the everyday blessings and comforts that God gives to our family.

4) I'm thankful for the developments of our kids. My 4-year old can read ( a bit) now and my 8-month old is already cruising around his cot and can stand still without support for a feaw seconds. These precious li'l ones are indeed great blessings and gives joy to us.

5) I'm thankful for the one-on-one time that my Li'l girl and I are going to spend later. She needs more time alone with me these days esp. after her baby brother was born.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008


This is a repost from my other blog. This experienced has really taught me a lot and at the same time experienced God's faithfulness and perfect timing.
Decemeber 28, 2007

Out of our busyness and my forgetfulness (can I blame my C-section operation?) we didn't realize until last week that Tricia and I were supposed to exit the country on Nov. 26 for border run. It was a good thing that Jesu was going to the border for some transactions on that Saturday, so the night before that we were talking about his trip. While we were talking, he thought hard and with a worried look in his face he asked me, "When are you supposed to do border run?". Then without answering him, I immediately got up and looked for my passport, my heart was already beating fast. When I was going up, I vividly remembered that the last time I went to Malaysia was in August of my brother in laws wedding and haven't gone out ever since LYle was born. That means we've overstayed for almost a month!

I searched for my passport upstairs and couldn't find it. When I came down, I already saw my Hubby looking at my passport and Tricia's passport. THen, he said, "I think we're in trouble." Without any word both of us went to the living room and were silent for several minutes. Both thinking deeply.

Tricia and I overstayed the country for 23 days!!! And if you're in Thailand, you have to pay a big chunk of money per day times 2 ( for tricia too) for overstay. And when we calculated it, it was so huge!!! The amount totaled MORE than our month's salary. whew!

I thought that will be a long night for both of us. So many thoughts already ran through my mind. So, what will happen to our planned Noche Buena? What about the buying of gifts for the kids and family? Will it be a lonely Christmas for us? Most importantly, how to pay our house rental, bills and what about our daily needs, our FOOD and etc. if all our salary will be paid for the fine.

After all these doubtful thoughts, I prayed and entrusted everything to GOd. Like a little child, I even told God, "Lord what will happened now to all our Christmas plans?" I was really like a small girl who was so excited for Christmas (more excited than Tricia) And immediately, it was impressed in my heart as if God was saying, "Isn't Christmas is not all about parties or even giving of gifts but Christmas is about ME." And like a child, corrected by the Father, I just said, "Yeah, that's right. I'm sorry." And with that peace flooded into my heart.

Then before I slept, I read my devotional book by C.H. Spurgeon. And wow! It spoke right through my heart. All my doubts, all my anxieties was revealed and rebuked ( ouch!) but at the end I got strengthened.

Here is an excerpt of my reading:

If the disposal of the lot is the Lord's, whose is the
arrangement of our whole life?If the simple casting of a lot is guided by HIm,
how much more the events of our entire life- especially when we are told by our
blessed Savior, "The very hairs of your head are all numbered" (Matt.10:30). IT
would bring a holy calm over your mind, dear friend, if you were always to
remember this.

When a man is anxious, he cannot pray with faith. ...Be wise,
attend to obeying, and let Christ manage the providing. Come and survey your
Father's storehouse, and ask whether He will let you starve while He has laid up
so great an abundance in HIs garner. If He remembers even the sparrows, will He
forget one of the least of His poor children? " Cast thy burden upon the Lord,
and he will sustain thee. He will never suffer the righteous to be moved" (Psalm

With all God's assurance and promise. I slept peacefully like a baby.

THen indeed true to God's word, he sustained us and He provided for us. When we went to the immigration the following day, the officer only asked us to pay half of the total amount. He did not charge for Tricia's overstay anymore. WOw! So, it means we still have half of our salary left! So, at that time, my HUbby and I decided to cancel all our Christmas plans and stick to just spending the necessary things to make ends meet. But two days after, our friend told us that there is this group of people who wants to transfer money in our account. Realy?!! And you know how much? Almost the exact amount that we paid the Thai immigration! Wow! God is truly amazing isn't He? I'm always amazed with the way He provides and His grace for us.

So, that's our overstay experience. Once again, we experienced God's hand move in our lives and we're forever grateful and humbled. Glory to God!

The Wonderwoman Doll

This is a repost from my other blog..Lalaine's World. Since this is a 'blessing' blog. I'd like to put some of the entries here.

February 10, 2008

It's another answered prayer for our Li'l girl! It's just amazing how God answers the kids' prayers and their heart's desires.

A few months ago, Tricia's Granny gave her a wonderwoman costume together with the Justice League DVD ( to acquaint her with wonderwoman, whom she's never heard of before). Since then she's been a fan of her to the point of asking me to buy a Wonderwoman Barbie Doll for her. This is how our conversation went that particular night.

Tricia: Amma, can you buy a Wonderwoman Barbie for me, please.
Me: There's no wonderwoman Barbie, Trish. Barbie only has Princesses. Even if they have it'll be very expensive.
Tricia: I'll pray that there will be a wonderwoman Barbie!

And she prayed. I didn't really take this incident seriously since as far as I know, Barbie/Mattel doesn't produce DC Comic characters.

Then last Friday, we went to the Duty Free Shop in Malaysia...then Lo and Behold! I saw a Wonderwoman Barbie!!?? It was standing there all alone amidst all the Barbie Princesses. I couldn't believe my eyes. Then, I saw the price. It was quite expensive. So, I secretly asked my Hubby to see the doll. He also got excited. THen I asked him if we're going to buy it for her or not since it was not part of the budget. Then we remembered that Tricia had this piggy bank where she faithfully puts in all the coins for her 'to have money to go to the Philippines' (that's according to her). She just have almost the exact amount in there. So, there goes Tricia's first Barbie Doll from her own 'money box'. So my Hubby secretly bought the doll.

Then when we went inside the car, we asked her to thank God for her surprise. Her eyes were already wide, when we mentioned the word 'surprise' but her eyes became bigger when we showed her the Wonderwoman Barbie. She was speechless for awhile. She was so happy and kept thanking us and prayed again to thank God. So, we told her that God answered her prayer which she prayed a long time ago. And I also told her that I didn't know there's a WOnderwoman Barbie. Then you know what she said? "God made the Wonderwoman Barbie for me AMma!". And I think that's exactly what He just did to answer a Li'l girls prayer.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's a Rainy Taggy Day!!

It's a rainy day here. I love it when it rains..It's cool..nice to relax, drink a cup of hot coffee, read a book and sleep. But of course, I won't be able to do that when both my kids are fully awake and playing inside the crib. So, I might as well do my tags before it accumulates.


This is a tag from Janet. Thanks for always remembering to tag me Jan even if sometimes I couldn't post them..:)

What does a white rose represent? White is a color symbolic of many positive things, such as marriage, purity, virtue, and innocence. White is linked to emotions of harmony and serenity. The breathtaking purity and simplistic beauty of a white rose can’t be beat. White roses signify deep, clear emotions. They are given without reservation or ambivalence. The red rose signifies lust or passion, but the white rose goes much deeper to suggest an infinite love that goes to the very core of one’s being. It carries an almost spiritual significance. White roses symbolize devotion, kindness, and deep friendship in love.

Now we are passing on this shining, shimmering, splendid white rose to some of our friends and we are tagging them as well…
To Bogie from Bogie's Wonderland and Mariz from Reflections by Mariz


This award was created by Memoirs of a Mommy. It’s a very special award that she created in Honor Of The Donor That Saved (her son) Noah’s Life. Noah received a heart transplant, and she hopes that by passing this award around the blogosphere everyone can help raise awareness of the need for Organ Donation.

The rules of this award are: SHARE THE LOVE!!! Share this award with all those blogs out there that you love. All the people who make you smile. All those that make you laugh. All those that make your day. All those that leave uplifting comments on your blog.

**All I ask, is that you include a link to this post with the award and ask your recipients to do the same**

Thanks to Ruby from Blessings and Beyond for this tag.
Now, I want to tag James from
Blogheaven and Ella from


Thanks to Mariz from Reflections by Mariz for this tag. :)


1. Copy and paste everything to a new post and add your name next to your profession (or profession-to-be for undergrads) in the list. Make sure your name is linked to your blog/webbie.

2. If your profession is not in the list then simply add it to the correct alphabetical place. For example, if you want to add PLUMBER then it should be placed in between ONCOLOGIST and QUEEN.

3. Tag as many people as you can and witness how your Technorati will explode!

4. Don’t forget to link back. In your case, link back to



Blogger/Writer- Ner, Mariz , Lalaine
Call Center- Jean
Chef- Emcee
Full-time Mommy - Lalaine
Internet Marketer - Mariz
Doctor -
Nurse - Mckhoii, Macy
Oncologist -
"Queen" -
Software Developer - Ner,
Teacher - JesuLalaine
Writer -

Now, I want to tag Aisha from The Holley Herald , Ruby from Blessings and Beyond and Janet from the The Nambiars.

There! I'm done with my tags and the rain has, I'll have to put my kids to sleep..:)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

So Close!

This is a again a back track...

I'm sure you have experienced God's protection in your life. Everyday, we always pray for protection. You'll never know what would happen next but thank God that He is always with us to take care of us and protect us.

Here is an experience that we'll never forget. We were so close to experience something terrible in our lives but, God protected us.

Our house is just a 3-5 minutes ride to one of the malls in the city, Carrefour. We would often joke and tell our friends that Carrefour is like living room because if we're not in our house then you'll surely find us there. Whenever we ran out of bread or milk, even if a 7-11 store is just nearby but, we'll purposely go to Carrefour to buy the bread. Sometimes, even if we don't have anything to buy at all, we just go there and simply hang out.

On one particular night , three years ago, our family were just at home the whole day. So our family planned that we would go to Carrefour after our dinner. At 8:40 my HUbby asked me to get ready so that we could go out. Suddenly, I didn't feel like going out anymore and told him we'll just stay home. This was really unusual since I love to go around in the malls. My Hubby didn't insist and we just stayed back. At 11 pm, when I was putting our baby to sleep, my Hubby was downstairs watching the tv when it was interrupted by the news. He immediately called me and there we found out that the same mall which we were supposed to go to that night was bombed at exactly 9pm. I had goose bombs all over when we watched the news, saw the people got hurt and blood all over the place. It was also reported that apart from several people seriously injured, there were 2 people who died from the incident. I couldn't but help thank God from keeping our family safe. Our daughter was only 11 months old at that time.

I kept on thinking that if we got ready at 8:40. It'll only take us 15 mins to get dressed and another 5 mins to get to Carrefour, then we would have been in that exact spot ( the main entrance) were the bomb exploded. Wow! I couldn't help but see God's sovereign Hand moved in our lives once again. We were so closed to get hurt and be traumatized by terrible events but once again He kept us safe.

Lesson of the day: When are with God, we are always safe in His arms. Thank you Lord!

Friday, June 20, 2008

Disguised as Blessings??

As some of you may know, I have another blog which I'm using to earn money by writing something about certain products, services and etc. It's not really that much but we consider that as God's added blessing for us to save up for a trip next year.
So, you could imagine my excitement everytime I see an opportunity that is reserved for me from that site. A few days ago, I was so happy because I saw 2 oppurtunities waiting for me. It was quite a difficult post to do since it's about a contest which I myself am not so comfortable doing. But I told myself, oh it's okay, I'll just have to make my post wholesome since I was after the oppurtunity which is worth 20$ and if I don't do it, the advertisers might black list me and therefore won't have future tasks ( I justified).
So, I spent a long time trying to make the post and finally showed it to my HUbby. But my Hubby was not comfortable with it and asked that maybe I should just let go of the task explaining all the pros and con (but mostly the cons) of the post. So, I did let go but with a very heart at first since that means letting go of 20$ ( that's almost 1,000 pesos in the Philippines) and that's a lot!
But then later, I realized that I did the right thing and that not all $$$ are blessings. If I did that post, I would have written something that I don't truly believe in and something that's not me. I also realized then that even in blogging I have to be true to myself, be how God wants me to be and write things that would bless others too.
So, that has been my lesson for the past days and I thank God for my Hubby who showed this to me. He even told me jokingly, "It's okay, we don't know maybe tomorrow you'll get a 40$ opportunity". And guess what, another 20$ ( 2 tasks) opportunity has been reserved for me the following day BUT it was from the same advertiser and therefore the same contest. But this time, I didn't bother to write a post anymore since I already know better.
It's okay if I just lost a total of 40$ tasks. I'm sure God will have other means to bless us and let us save money for our trip. For now, I'm at peace that I wasn't able to write something that I don't believe in and I wasn't able to encourage people to do it too. Whew!!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thankful Thursday 1

1) This is my very first post for Thankful Thursday and I thank God for this meme where we can share God's goodness and be constantly be reminded of it.

2) I thank God for my wonderful family and a very comfortable home overseas.

3) I thank God for my sweet HUbby who took an afternoon off, took care of our kids and call our Thai friend to give me a massage.

4) I thank God that through the massage, my back pain is completely gone. I hurt my back the other day as I bended the wrong way to take my baby from the crib.

5) I thank God for His added grace, strength and patience in taking care of our 8 month old and 4 year old kids. It's not a very easy job but I praise God for getting through each day! whew! :)

6) I thank God for my new domain ( where I could post God's daily blessings or what I call miracles in our family. I thank my friend too, Janet who helped me in buying this domain. THanks Jan!

That's all for now and see you next ThursdaY!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Who Wants a Car?

I can't blog about our present day to day blessing yet since I haven't posted all our past blessings and miracles. So, for now..most of my posts will all be looking back from the past.

Has anyone ever told you," Do you want a car, I'll give you mine! " Sounds too good to be true huh? Well, something like that did happen to us. It didn't 'just' happen but it all started with a desire to have one, then a prayer and then FAITH.

My HUbby and I were already contented riding sweetly in our motorbike until, we learned that we're going to have a baby. It's fun to get wet in the rain, when you're just newly weds but it'll be pitiful if you'll have a baby with you getting wet in the rain too.

So, this led my HUbby to desire to have a car. We were just newly weds in a foreign country and we're not 'professionals' with high paying jobs. So maybe if we wanted to save up for a car, our baby will be then 15 years old, before we procure one? :)

When we brought our 2 month old baby, Tricia to Thailand, it was so timely that our Korean friends went back to Korea. They were kind enough to let us borrow their car for a while they were away for two months. Then before our Korean friends came back to Thailand, another family friend were going back to US for 6 months and they said they could use their car. So, that's total of 8 months of our baby (and us!) enjoying and being seated comfortably in the car wherever we go. This has triggered more desire for us to pray for a car and we did. Even some of our friends who visited us, included our 'desire' in their prayers without telling them so.

Then a few weeks before our American friend was coming back to Thailand, we saw a big FOR SALE sign on top of a nice black NIssan Sunny car. The car was displayed in the church and the owner is one of the church members. We inquired of the price and the method of payment. He said, it costs 110,000 Baht but he can lower it down for to 90,000 Baht. We can pay a downpayment of 50,000 baht but the rest of the balance must still be paid in cash within the month because he needs the money urgently.

We were really so tempted with his offer. But the question is.."where to get money?"..So, my HUbby and I prayed for a week. But after a week, nothing came. No answer to our 90,000 Baht question. ..and our American friend is almost coming for sure we have to return back their car..So, with a heavy heart we just let it go.

Then just a few days after we let go of the NIssan Sunny Car. We received an email for our American friend who owned the car we were using. He said, that they'll be coming back to Thaialnd in a few weeks time and...HE IS GIVING US HIS CAR!!... As simple as that! No conditions downpayments, no installment plans..but he's just gave it to us for FREE. We had to read and reread his short email again and again to check whether we have misunderstood it.

And oh, we just rejoiced in God's answer to our prayers! God really had a better plan for us and that was the reason why we never came up with 90,000 Baht because he wants to have us a car that cost us NOTHING!

Our God is truly amazing..a God that meets the desire of our hearts.

So, up to now, we are still enjoying and being seated comfortably in the green Nissan Sunny that God has provided to us. We're continually amazed at God's provision and at the same time our friends' generosity.


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