Saturday, November 23, 2013

Post Birthday Celebration

A few weeks ago, we had a Batman themed birthday party for my li'l boy. Thanks to my mom and sis who brought all the party goodies and Batman stuff all the way from the Philippines. I actually love holding birthday parties for my kids, it's an opportunity for them to celebrate with their friends and for us to continue in  building strengthen relationships with our friends and neighbors. I know there's a lot of work and effort involved in holding parties from cooking to getting liquid repellent tableclothes but it's always worth it. It's not just our kids who are having fun but the the other kids and their parents as well!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Church Camp

We just arrived from our church camp. It's actually our first time to attend a church camp after so long. It's like everytime we had a church camp for the past years, we're either out of town or someone's sick in the family. 

It has  truly been blessing to attend the camp this year. It has encouraged us and inspired us as a family. At this point in time, we need the fellowship with our '2nd family' especially being far away from home. After being refreshed for the past 2 days, we are now recharged and by God's grace, ready to go on and do the task that has been entrusted to us. :)

Traditional Methods vs. Appliances: What goes on in your Kitchen?

In a culture so enamored with gadgets, it’s easy to just assume doing things the old fashioned way is a waste of time. But speed and ease don’t always equal better—especially when it comes to baking and cooking. It’s amazing how often recipes mention using food processors as if owning one is a given. Perhaps some of us still believe in the power of a good, sharp knife and a nicely worn-in chopping board? Could it be that the marginally slower act of chopping manually actually encourages an overall savoring of the experience?

When it comes to kitchen appliances, people can get pretty particular because food and family meals often represent the emotional center of a home and household gadgets are a part of that. Having a clean, efficient and cozy space should be a priority, but how one achieves that is very personal. Okay, so some things are “necessities” like toasters, microwaves, kettles and coffee makers, but the list for what is “necessary” can be long for certain wannabe chefs or haggard parent-types who want the kitchen experience to be as fast and easy as 1-2-3.
Will the recently purchased, fancy food mixer eventually be shoved to the back of the cupboard and replaced by the simple, classic whisk? How many shopping trips where the necessary espresso pods were—yet again—forgotten before the French Press is dusted off and filled with freshly ground beans?

Truthfully, all these actions still rely on some sort of kitchen appliance, after all, we’re not in the Stone Age! And the allure of new, shiny, easy-to-use kitchen appliances is one we all understand. But before making that purchase, stop and think “do I really need this?” Consider favorite recipes and whether or not that new item will actually improve the cooking experience. Maybe the answer will be ‘yes’ – after all, you can’t make a smoothie without a blender. But we can all enjoy a little slowness and deliberation in the kitchen.

Chopping veggies by hand, whipping egg whites with a whisk, making bread in the oven and carving meat without the assistance of an electric knife--these are the ways in which slowing down and enjoying the pleasures of a kitchen happen. Isn’t the pace of life already fast enough?

I Can Smile at a Storm

I saw this photo from Operation Blessing's Facebook page. After several days in prayer and mourning for the thousands of Filipinos affected by Haiyan, seeing this photo gave me comfort. That indeed, God is working through the lives of our fellow Filipinos and giving them hope and peace that is evident from their smiles. Yes, they've experienced tragedy that's more than we can imagine, but indeed nothing can separate us from the love of God. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Instagram vs Twitter - The Fight of the Giants for your Business

Ok, let’s now consider something. Social media has an absolute importance. It does not matter whether or not you think teenagers improperly use it and are simply not utilizing any kind of comprehensible dialect on them. In this day and age, only Google is known as bigger thanany social networking websites. They've become where we get our news, keep in touch with friends and gather a lot of the advice we need in order to buy products online. In fact, a lot of social networks have flown the net, so you might get confused which one to pick. Facebook is still the King, although there is a huge competition between them and Twitter. After that Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube appeared new to the world but still can achieve the glory of Facebook and Twitter.

Each platform has its own immense qualities and the time people spend on them completely worth it. But when it comes down to business, some are better than others in achieving a financially viable fan base that will help with your goals. Most significant questions in front of the marketers is which one to choose - Instagram or Twitter although both of these platform are totally different from each other. You can also check out to get more information on how to increase online presence.

The two of these social website platforms are internet giants in their own rights. But sooner or later, one has to be better than the other, even if it's just in some aspects. We’ve chose to help you choose which one is better thanks to some statistics. This is the fastest way which will show you which one is better. Obviously, what we can do is just give you an advice, the overall decision is in your hands.

Instagram Information

What was when just a simple iOS app, has now evolved into a juggernaut with both web and Android presence. Instagram is on full steam ahead and is not showing any signs of slowing down. With the infusion of Facebook's pocketbook, Instagram is definitely set to only get bigger. Much like YouTube where videos are shared every day, Instagram lets you share both pictures and videos along with the rest of the world.Below you’ll find some data that may give you a vision on how big Instagram is for now.

·         Instagram was founded in October 2010 and till now it’s gaining between 100-150 million active visitors per month.
·         The quantity of traffic which goes through Instagram every day is roughly, 7.3 million people.
·         So far, the amount of images that have been shared on Instagram is a staggering 16 Billion and it gets 40 million photos posted daily by users.

Now, to offer you a concept of just how much activity the site gets:

·         Amount of likes every second - 8500
·         Additionally, each second the users of Instagram make One thousand comments
·         Monthly, the normal period of time every user spends on Instagram - 257 min's.
·         Another interesting statement is that the biggest Instagram user is between 18-29 year olds
·         The information show that women use Instagram more often than men, also

There may be a slight variation in these numbers as they’re all gathered not just from company reports but from other sources, too. Though these data describes how large Instagram has become for a truly short time. And the best thing for Instagram is that it couldn’t be destroyed by the giant of Facebook as its goal is to move forward and become larger and better.

Information of Twitter
We are all aware of Twitter. We understand for a fact it's not a platform to take lightly. Founded Several years ago, Twitter has transformed itself into an unstoppable force of connectivity. Many companies, Governments offices, high profile people and common folks use Twitter every day to dispense the on-goings in the local community. Well, Twitter isn't a source for lots of information today but it’s the best place where you can share your ideas, opinions, product feedbacks, pictures or anything else. Here are some statistics which help you compare Twitter to Instagram, which will make you realize how big the first platform is yet.

·         The total amount of registered visitors in Twitter is 554,750,000
·         Amount of people registering every day - 135,000
·         The standard quantity of tweets daily - Fifty eight million
·         Amount of doubts about Twitter on various search engines daily - 2.1 billion
·         The number of unique visitors on Twitter each month - 190 million
·         Number of effective users every single month - 115 million
·         About 40% of the people simply watch others tweets
·         The incredible fact is that the amount of tweets per second is 9,100

There, those are the numbers as far as the two platforms are involved. Mathematicians insist that numbers don't lie. Based on this statistics, Twitter stays on the top of the chart. But the issues are changing very fast and this is only for the moment. In fact, Instagram is definitely a young platform and doesn’t have the experience of Twitter. And besides, having been acquired by Facebook, you can only expect bigger and better things from this platform as Facebook's performance is something to go by. So the big question remains, Instagramvs Twitter - where when you invest your time in building a fan base?

The Verdict

Believe or not, the right answer is… Choose the both!You can't afford to NOT have a presence in either one. They both have unique value and qualities that they bring to the table. Where Instagram is a purely visually driven site, Twitter involves smart wordplay. With Instagram, you can post images and videos related to your business and we all know that people love videos and photos as a message medium. It has something to do with the ever fleeting attention span.

But what you need to bear in mind is this, Twitter now has bigger numbers and the possibilities that someone is going to tweet about whatever photo or video you just put up on Instagram, like your company is very high. You need to be capable of knowing what people are saying about you on a platform that gets 2.1 billion searches everyday on Google and 58 million tweets daily. With 190 million unique visitors every month and a little more than half a billion registered users, you should take what is being said about you on Twitter seriously. With that, it presents a huge opportunity for greater market reach. So, the verdict that you need both platforms for the marketing campaigns remains. The usage of these two social media sites in a combination is the perfect solution for you. In case you have any information or just need some additional advices, feel free to contact us and learn how you can Buy Extra Followers on Twitter to enhance your online visibility.


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